default player settings in mime config ambient
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 445 from 2006/11/16
    From: The Netherlands
    I want to set Mplayer as default player for my video's and songplayer or Aminetradio as my default mp3 player.
    I played around in ambient settings mime but can't see the logic.
    Is there a manual out there how to configure these mimesettings?
    Maybe an example with some screengrab's?
    Now I always have to start mplayer manually to play my video's...
    Powerbook 5,4 1.5GHz 1.5GB ram
  • »17.03.09 - 20:58
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    Well the concept is quite simple: you just add actions for a given filetype or for a family.

    There are different categories of actions:
    - triggered when you doubleclick
    - displayed in contextmenu
    - triggered during dragdrop (with a possible qualifier)

    Family (audio/video/text/..) is also an important concept: actions bound to a family apply to all family members, unless they define themselves their actions.

    So in practice, if you want to associate mplayer to any video file, you would just edit "video" node in the tree. You add a new action.

    As command, you would set "workbench" type and in the command string, you could type "path:to/mplayer %sp" (%sp is the placeholder for a selected entry path).

    As action type, you would select "doubleclick" so that the action is triggered when doubleclicking.

    Setting "merge selection" "cd source" can be handy to import all selected files at once in playlist and have current directory set to the movie directory.

    [ Edited by Fab on 2009/3/18 19:38 ]

    [ Edited by Fab on 2009/3/18 19:39 ]
  • »18.03.09 - 18:37
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 445 from 2006/11/16
    From: The Netherlands
    I got it to work now at least with the video files.
    Now I have a working example to set for audio etc..
    Thanks for the clear advice Fab!
    Powerbook 5,4 1.5GHz 1.5GB ram
  • »18.03.09 - 19:03