Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2115 from 2003/2/24
From: po-RNO
I had some stability problems at first too, but now the system seems to be very stable when I got some problems solved.
Firstly you should check if there isn't any programs hitting on ramdebuglog (use "ramdebug ed invzeropage" options for boot.img for example). I had hits from mfkey commodity and changed it to MMKeyboard instead. Then some 68k programs with too little stack seem to cause more visible problems than on 1.4.5, which also can be a good thing, because then you notice the problems clearly :) smbfs is one good example and adding stack solved the problems completely. I have the feeling that misbehaving software in startup caused also problems to other programs like games...
If there's problem with Hyperion's Freespace, try native MorphOS version instead. I had problem with Neverputt/Neverball, but don't know if they're same problem than on you at all... somehow screenmode settings for them were gone way over my setup's limits. I edited it's config file manually and then they started to work again :)
Also if AmIRC hangs on connect phase, it's a bug with 2.1 boot.img. It's already solved for the next update. Using 2.0 boot.img can be a temporary solution.
Anyway... at first with 2.0 I was a bit afraid because system felt more unstable than 1.4.5, but now I'd say opposite and 2.x hasn't crashed here for long time.