• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 736 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...
    Nicolas DET has kindly provided pegasosforum.de with a beta release of his USB2 driver.

    ATM there's people successfully using NEC and ALI based USB2 cards.

    You can download the driver here at pegasosforum.de

    Please remember that it is a beta release so don't annoy the coder much.

    I mean... if you plan to write Nicolas don't send him an email saying "it doesn't work!" but please send him debug logs and useful information about your configuration. Don't expect the driver to work flawlessly. The autor has kindly given us the chance of testing his work so please be respectful and try to help him with useful debug information.

    You can post to this thread your experiences with the driver. Please write your config and which kind of hardware (including brand, model and specs) you tested. Your Poseidon config may be important too.

    [ Edited by Crumb on 2006/10/26 19:01 ]
  • »26.10.06 - 15:38
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