Mencoder usage under Devedie
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27
    Hi all,

    I have to encode some videos for which I use mencoder for MorphOS 0.91 and all works very well!

    Now the only problem I have is that the video film, which is more or less 8 min. long, comes in 2 files (in this example: video_001.avi which is 1 GB and the 2nd video_002.avi which is 750 MB) and I could not find a solution to join the 2
    files before (or after) encoding them with mencoder in order to get a 8 min. final avi.

    I tried to find a program on the net to join files, like "block" from Christian Rosentreter, but it seems not to work for this application.

    If anyone has an idea how I could solve this I would very much appreciate.

    Also there are several commands like Audio CBR or Algo Quality etc. in Devedie: Encode I was not able to find docs for.

    Thanks in advance for all your help.

  • »20.05.05 - 19:10
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 207 from 2003/2/20
    From: Oberhausen/Ger...
    for joining/splitting try joinsplitter
    i already joined some mpeg with joinsplitter
  • »20.05.05 - 19:55
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 103 from 2004/3/20
    From: #AmigaZeux

    rms wrote:

    Now the only problem I have is that the video film, which is more or less 8 min. long, comes in 2 files (in this example: video_001.avi which is 1 GB and the 2nd video_002.avi which is 750 MB) and I could not find a solution to join the 2
    files before (or after) encoding them with mencoder in order to get a 8 min. final avi.

    Hmmm maybe i'm stupid, but how can 1,7 GB be a 8 minute video? Huh?

    Just curios, not that i know how to fix your prob ;-)
  • »20.05.05 - 21:39
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  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27
    @ Ingo

    well this is the problem, the files come from a peecee!

    They are uncompressed digital video in avi format.

    Now the peecee does a split per 1GB (I dont know but it seems that filesystems on peecee do not support more than 1 GB per file) and that is why I have to join them.

    After encoding this 1.7 GB video, which is 720x576, using high quality setting in mencoder it's only about 230 MB!


  • »21.05.05 - 05:43
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