Amiga/PC Joystick under MorphOS > UAE/Mame?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 1 from 2004/9/29
    wondering if it is possible to use old Amiga or new PC joystick on pegasos2... I want to play all my old amiga games under UAE and also play Mame games, though I want to use a joystick like X-Arcade (6 button 2xplayer) under Mame. X-Arcade uses either PS2 Keyboard port or USB. Or use this joystick or a pc standard usb joystick via USB or my old amiga joystick to play games under UAE... is this possible? Thanks, Daniel :-?
  • »29.09.04 - 12:52
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    You can use old pc joysticks or pads with a 15 pins plug. No configuration needed. Don't know if an X-arcade works on the Peg but I know that a J-pac or I-pac do work, they are connected to the PS2 keyboard port like an X-Arcade. You can use a J-pac to build your own arcade stick like I did.
    USB pads do work but I had no luck with a Microsoft sidewinder.


    [ Edited by Toto on 2004/9/29 15:55 ]
  • »29.09.04 - 13:54
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    I have tried an off-brand PC joystick (using the standard pc connector) and an SP550 from Saitek (combo stick/pad USB).

    The stick was a bit too difficult for me to configure on the Saitek (analogue).

    MorphOS portal?
  • »29.09.04 - 15:56
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