Posts: 23 from 2003/10/22
From: Torun, Poland
liquidbit wrote: I ask much?
Well... I don't know if it's too much. But my answer is - if you want to install Gentoo (as I did) read installation manual (there is link from PLC to David's page where you can find everything that you need) and follow it. It should work without any problems if you have "standard" hardware setup. If not - then how can anyone know what problems might have been occured to you? You just have to ask.
The only thing I think is missing (from my, Gentoo-centric, point of wiew) is some FAQ with most comon problems explanations - all (or most) of them explained in PLC forum.
And if you really want to install any other distribution then you'll have to ask someone who use it - in this case you may be right and there may not be enough documentation.