MorphOS Developer
Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11
The part of FFS in MorphOS that's '2.0' is the implementation, not the filesystem itself. MorphOS can read all versions of FFS (plain, international, directory cache, long names), so yes, you should be able to connect your old Amiga hard disk and use it.
What you need to be careful of, however, is to set up your system so that one of the following two is true:
1) Your MorphOS partition has a unique device name (mdh0:, for example) and that Open Firmware is configured to boot MorphOS with 'bootdevice=mdh0:' as an argument
2) Your MorphOS partition has a higher boot priority than any partition on the second disk you're connecting.
If not, you risk that MorphOS might try to boot your old Workbench 3.1 installation, which is unlikely to go well.
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