Trance, OS4Emu, E-UAE - I'm getting more confused
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    @BalrogSoft: thank you, I will definitely try the latest version. I understand the comparison with UAE is not the most appropriate because it was optimized for slower machines (Dreamcast which, BTW I used to have!) and it only emulates Amiga 500 as far as I understand...
  • »22.01.10 - 17:16
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    BTW, I am launching my Amiga .adfs with double click now -- cool.

    But they still have a generic icon MorphOS assigned to them.

    Does anyone have a nice Amiga-themed .icon file which I could assign to the .adf files so they look like Amiga programs, something with a Boeing ball or the rainbow sign you know what I mean...

    I know I can probably make one or dig around but I thought maybe someone else willing to share already made it :-)
  • »22.01.10 - 17:28
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    Btw, in case you don't know it already, if you want to assign a deficon easily, just drop the icon over the icon area in the mimetype edition window.
  • »22.01.10 - 18:20
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Fab, yep, I actually figured out that one -- that's how OS X icon replacement GUI works BTW and I kind of found that not surprising for me... Nice!
  • »22.01.10 - 22:39
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    UAE question... I dug out the Boing demo and want to run it. The thing is, it's an Amiga file and MorphOS chokes on it if try to run it by double-clicking.

    I guess I need to run it from within UAE and I think the way to go is to create a HDF file with the demo on it (but I cannot run HDF creator for OS X since it only works in the classic environment which I don't have!) and then run UAE ... hardfile=<path_to_hdf> ... ? Is there another (simpler?) way?

    Too late here to dig more now... Any hints?
  • »23.01.10 - 06:42
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    If you have a mac mini ppc, you can use classic under mac os x unless you have installed Leopard.
    You can make an autobooting adf and launch it with uae. I?recall that the amiga boing demo was on the extras disks of wb.13.
    I?see that path more easy than creating an hdf for such a tiny file.
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »23.01.10 - 12:33
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    I guess I need to run it from within UAE and I think the way to go is to create a HDF file with the demo on it (but I cannot run HDF creator for OS X since it only works in the classic environment which I don't have!) and then run UAE ... hardfile=<path_to_hdf> ... ? Is there another (simpler?) way?

    One solution would be to use the simple integration method I included in bonus/ in UAE.

    Basically, it adds a "Run in UAE" ambient contextmenu entry, and any program (if it's located in one of UAE <filesystem> paths, but one could easily remove that limitation) can be run inside UAE that way. I documented how to do it, but the whole mechanism is quite error-prone, if you make a simple mistake in any of the places to edit. :)

    Anyway, the global idea is just that ambient calls uaeexe.rexx with the program path from that contextmenu entry.
    If UAE is not running, it starts UAE that will boot a normal workbench setup. Then the program host path is resolved to UAE emulation path, and finally, the script just sends "UAEEXE <program path>" rexx command to UAE instance (so the emulated system needs to run the uae_rcli command, to listen for rexx events from outside).

    [ Edited by Fab on 2010/1/23 14:12 ]
  • »23.01.10 - 13:11
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    @_ThEcRoW: I only have SnowLeopards around, no classic for years... And I don't have WB extras (but that's a good hint, will look for it). I read about creating auto-booting ADF but for that I also need WB (at least), will see try that too.

    @Fab: I see, I will give it a try...

    It's not a big deal if I can't run it, it's just that, knowing the MorphOS heritage and who is it originally intended for, I was hoping this would be much more easier and maybe even somehow more intuitively integrated in the OS itself...
  • »23.01.10 - 16:08
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    Despite how much clear your answer is, please, give some more characterictic on how to check whether the app (most likely the OS 3.x app) "DOES NOT BANG CLASSIC HARDWARE DIRECTLY". If i knew more, I would both use more Classic apps on my MorphOS but also I would avoid numerous crashes on attempts to do so.

    Generally it is easy to check from a program description. If demo or game does not support CGX and AHI it probably is not MorphOS compatible. Generally it is difficult to give definite answer what applications are worth of try. I once tried to generate list of supported applications but it is just impossible. I have got only few tens 68k applications to try but there are at least 10000+ titles on Aminet. Some applications are just obsolete (like MCP), should they get mentioned there also? There are 5000+ applications which run on MorphOS and probably another 5000+ applications which wont run on MorphOS.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »24.01.10 - 08:46
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 306 from 2009/4/17
    From: Rzeszow, place...

    itix wrote:

    Despite how much clear your answer is, please, give some more characterictic on how to check whether the app (most likely the OS 3.x app) "DOES NOT BANG CLASSIC HARDWARE DIRECTLY". If i knew more, I would both use more Classic apps on my MorphOS but also I would avoid numerous crashes on attempts to do so.

    Generally it is easy to check from a program description. If demo or game does not support CGX and AHI it probably is not MorphOS compatible. Generally it is difficult to give definite answer what applications are worth of try. I once tried to generate list of supported applications but it is just impossible. I have got only few tens 68k applications to try but there are at least 10000+ titles on Aminet. Some applications are just obsolete (like MCP), should they get mentioned there also? There are 5000+ applications which run on MorphOS and probably another 5000+ applications which wont run on MorphOS.

    Then maybe this is why we nowadays need the aminet to become web2.0, kind of. What I mean is to allow the users to score the app in efficiency, in both AmigaOS4 or MorphOS, Classic 3.1 possibly too. Or just either. That would incorporate application's popularity and stability per particular system.

    BTW I hate web2.0.
    Was: Mac Mini PPC running MorphOS 2.4
    Now: Amiga Forever 2010 with AmiKit and AmigaSYS
    Not used: Icaros Desktop 1.2 (reason: no wifi)
    Planned soon: an OS4 system
    Shortly then: a MOS notebook (wifi is a must-have)
  • »25.01.10 - 19:24