Chipmem and PPaint
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 315 from 2004/2/13
    From: Naples - Italy
    Many thanks for your configuration, Toto!

    I never received your e-mail (maybe you did not remove the anti-spam REMOVE word from the address), but downloaded the file from the web address you provided. PPaint run perfectly with your configuration just at the first attempt (it seems that we have the same graphics board).

    After having solved all my problems, I started an experiment to find the root of the problem. Since the configuration file of PPaint is a text file, I edited all the lines of my file that were different from yours and substituted them one at a time, trying to run PPaint at each step. I did this picking the lines in various different orders. In such a way I discovered that, actually, only two lines in the configuration file are the real cause of all the problems.

    I assume that the user has already set the DISPLAY mode and the SCREENW and SCREENH parameters. In my case:

    DISPLAY = 0x40920004 ; Radeon9000: 8Bit 1280 x 1024
    SCREENW = 1280
    SCREENH = 1024

    (Maybe it is better to start with a less demanding 640×480 resolution.)

    Then the first line that must be modified is almost obvious (we don't have the Amiga chip set):

    BLITLIBS = "personal_agnus_blit.library", "personal_68000_blit.library", 1

    must be changed to

    BLITLIBS = "personal_agnus_blit.library", "personal_68000_blit.library", 0

    Actually, I already tried this change one year ago, but it is not sufficient to solve all problems. In fact there is a second mandatory change (that is absolutely not obvious, at least for me):

    PRINTSYS = 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0

    must be changed to

    PRINTSYS = 0x40, 2, 0, 7, 5

    Now the screen that the program opens is not full of graphics garbage, and the user is free to modify any other item of his configuration as he wishes. (Tested only by me on my machine! Other users are strongly suggested to report in this thread their results.)



    Morphers! A new article for MorphZone Tutorials area ("Doctor's Office") is coming...
    (It has no relation with the subject above.)
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