upgrading mos2.7 to 3.1 without usb keyboard
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 445 from 2006/11/16
    From: The Netherlands
    I would like to upgrade my pegasos2 from 2.7 to 3.1 mos installation.
    I have no usb keyboard only a ps2..usb keyboard died on me a couple off months ago.
    The ps2 keyboard doesn't work before boot is complete so not possible to stop booting and boot from cd.
    I tried Iwizard in the tools dir from the 3.1 cd but this won't start..why not?
    Powerbook 5,4 1.5GHz 1.5GB ram
  • »27.03.13 - 19:03
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2359 from 2003/2/24
    3.1 binaries just don't on a 2.0 boot.img cos the are DRMed differently.

    1st think you should check wether your kbd just fails at stopping autoboot or wether it's completly useless in the OpenFirmWare-promt.

    Disconnect your HD and start the Peg.

    If your kbd does work you may continue below.
    If it doesn't, get another one cos continuing has a high chance of turning your puter non-bootable.

    - edit the OF-ENVs to make the CD the primary boot-device (see manual)
    - edit the OF-ENVs to make autoboot fail and than manually boot from CD
    - tricky one ..... replace the 2.7 boot.img with the one from the 3.1 CD
    not 100% sure wether a 3.1 boot.img will run 2.7 binaries, but if it does you should be able to start the 3.1 iWizard.
    if it doesn't, better have a kbd that is working in the OF-prompt ;-)

    [ Edited by Kronos 27.03.2013 - 22:27 ]
  • »27.03.13 - 20:27
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 445 from 2006/11/16
    From: The Netherlands
    Ok thanks Kronos for explanation.
    I be better off finding me a cheap usb keyboard.
    Powerbook 5,4 1.5GHz 1.5GB ram
  • »28.03.13 - 05:00