Unable to unfold Menu's
  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/26
    From: Scotland
    I was editing heretic 2 cfg file and right clicked and selected open with and then picked nowined. then saved the file and got a window that popped up with nothing in it. now i'm unable to to unfold mime types in ambient (click on the little crosses) or unfold my bookmarks in OWB. just wondering if anyone has had this problem before?


    Update: Got the window issue sorted, seemed it was looking for vapor_toolkit.library. still can unfold the menus, but it i go to bookmarks and right click in owb i can select unfold but still unable to unfold by clicking the +'s

    EDIT 2:

    I renamed my libs folder in (system) and tha has seemed to of sorted the problem. so guessing a conflict somewhere .

    [ Edited by TGR on 2011/2/23 23:45 ]
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »23.02.11 - 22:24