Arexx crash
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2007/9/14
    From: The building p...
    There is a different behaviour if you start your arexx scripts by double clicking or by a shell window.
    If I open a new shell window and type rx filename.rexx and then quit program by CTRL-C, everything will be fine.
    If I start the same arexx script by clicking in Ambient and then quit program by CTRL-C, there will be a crash (the tool I use in the icon is "rx")
    Here is a simple arexx script that triggers the problem.

    do while 1
    say something
    ADDRESS COMMAND 'wait 5'

    I use MorphOS2.4 @ Macmini
  • »09.05.10 - 10:32