Mounting HDF files
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 22 from 2009/11/16
    Might be a rookie question, but I am just warming up my Amiga knowledge again... :)

    I have some older classic Amiga HDF files stored on my MAC --> I plan to copy them onto my MacMini Morphos 2.4 and use some 68k stuff & data from my classic environment.

    What is the easiest way to mount those HDFs in MorphOS? Or better to ask: what is the easiest way to get the content of those .HDF files?

    many thanks...
  • »18.11.09 - 13:49
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    Run Utilities/FileImageCtrl tool, drag&drop hdf file to the FileImageCtrl window (or click insert and select the hdf file). Then run Utilities/Mounter tool, select the fileimage.device - your partitions should be listed in the main window. You can mount each partition manually by clicking 'Mount'.

    [ Edited by March on 2009/11/18 17:51 ]
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »18.11.09 - 16:50
    Profile Visit Website
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 22 from 2009/11/16
    thanks a lot, excellent, that works! :)
  • »18.11.09 - 17:29
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 631 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE

    It's possible to have file .ct / .cs or .cd to translate this tool in french ?

    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5, IMac G5 2.1, PowerBook G4 1.5, MacMini 1.5
    My MOS ports
  • »01.04.10 - 10:31
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