MorphOS Developer
Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
I guess I need to run it from within UAE and I think the way to go is to create a HDF file with the demo on it (but I cannot run HDF creator for OS X since it only works in the classic environment which I don't have!) and then run UAE ... hardfile=<path_to_hdf> ... ? Is there another (simpler?) way?
One solution would be to use the simple integration method I included in bonus/ in UAE.
Basically, it adds a "Run in UAE" ambient contextmenu entry, and any program (if it's located in one of UAE <filesystem> paths, but one could easily remove that limitation) can be run inside UAE that way. I documented how to do it, but the whole mechanism is quite error-prone, if you make a simple mistake in any of the places to edit. :)
Anyway, the global idea is just that ambient calls uaeexe.rexx with the program path from that contextmenu entry.
If UAE is not running, it starts UAE that will boot a normal workbench setup. Then the program host path is resolved to UAE emulation path, and finally, the script just sends "UAEEXE <program path>" rexx command to UAE instance (so the emulated system needs to run the uae_rcli command, to listen for rexx events from outside).
[ Edited by Fab on 2010/1/23 14:12 ]