The best and the easiest way to transfer files from the Amiga is to buy this from AmigaKit:
It's a CF adapter. Of course you will need a CF card reader to the peecee.
Thank you!!
I've ordered myself one, and a USB CF reader for my PC. (the latter one was long overdue anyway, since I have a camera using CF but no card reader, only USB, which nowadays can incur problems on Unixes, because they try to mount the camera as a camera, not as a USB drive!
With null modem cable, is another way to transfer files, but I really never tried that.
Yeah, I would like to know which software to use for that.
When I want to transfer files to MorphOS I always used a USB stick.
Yup, that's good for between MOS and Unix. Are there any USB kits for Amigas?