Arghhhhh! Someone please help before my head explodes.
About 3 months ago I installed the latest nightly build of Ambient Desktop, and I also installed MUI Alpha 4. Since then whenever I run a program which opens a file requestor everything is fine, unless I wish to choose a file residing on another device. When I do this it says "Application Meditating" etc etc and I have to reboot. For instance. I might run MPlayer, it will pop up a file requestor window. Then I click on the root button, or parent back to see a list of my available devices, choose "Video Applications:" (which is a HD with all of my video files on it. The window crashes - Application is Meditating etc.... I am going insane!!!
I have tried fiddling with the MUI and Ambient settings but nothing seems to help.
THanks for the reply. Erm, I cannot remember installing a z.library... actually, to be honest I have no idea what that is, where it is and how to check for it.... is it in sys:libs?