Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
From: Russia, Moscow
After some investigation...
1. One of sel signals is always active, it is last selected drive. There's no way in i82077 controiller to deselect all drives.
2. You can use motor signals instead of them. However:
a) Currently the driver forgets to turn motor signal off if the drive is absent.
b) Note that these signals are activated at least once when the driver is loaded into the memory. It is necessary to check if the drive is present and determine initial disk state (absent or present). Othewrise it's impossible with i82077.
3. I can fix the device so that it will always open even if there's no drive on the selected unit (and fix (2a)). However be careful with custom hardware - see (2b), there's no workaround.
So the best way is to write your own device driver.
iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?