AGA emulation ...
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2005/5/5
    I'm wondering why the developpers of the Morphos System did not think about creating a integrated emulator for AGA and other chipset instructions to be interpreted by the pegasos like JIT for example ... :-?
  • »01.09.05 - 20:19
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 261 from 2003/3/13
    From: Rotterdam, the...
    I wonder with you..

    With the UAE sources available, it should be a easy
    task for them to create a AGA display driver or such.

    I think the same about the paula audio.device, at least
    we have a 3rd party tool to fix this, wich shows it can
    be done, but it was not included in mos to start with.

  • »01.09.05 - 21:18
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19

    ludom25 wrote:
    I'm wondering why the developpers of the Morphos System did not think about creating a integrated emulator for AGA and other chipset instructions to be interpreted by the pegasos like JIT for example ... :-?

    Because It would slowdown things significantly perhaps?
    Why do you think Amithlon just emulated the essential parts, leaving AGA Emulation away? Just to annoy the Users?
    No, it was for Speed reasons.
    And honestly, I don`t see the point in such an aproach. I miss AGA too, yes, I really do, but thats why I kept my classics. And please tell me, what for do you need AGA, which can`t be done with UAE? Hey, with the latest E-UAE it is even possible for MOS Users now to have Amiga Emulation at a decend speed.
    Ok, I know there are such things like Genlocks etc, which require the real thing, but Emulation wouldn`t help here either. Again, thats why I have some classics here.
    Oh and if you think it is a good Idea to use MorphOS just with plain AGA... Forget about that. Stupid Idea really. Or d`ya like to use for example Windows or Mac OS X just with an old 512 kb VGA ISA Card?

    I don`t want to sound to harsh, but AGA is dead like a Dodo.
  • »01.09.05 - 21:57
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 588 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    With the UAE sources available, it should be a easy task for them to create a AGA display driver or such.

    First of all UAE is GPL. It can't be used in closed source project.

    Second: "should be a easy task". I disagree. If it's such an easy task why don't some 3rd party coder create one?

    Anyway, MorphOS will not have AGA emulation. Use UAE if you must use these applications.
  • »01.09.05 - 23:27
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 101 from 2004/4/17
    For wat I have understand, seem the Amiga-support of MOS is not a true emulator, IE don't emulate hardware. Is better say it "traslate" the old 68000 CPU's code of original Amiga into a code wich PowerPC can execute.

    Maybe is possible simulate hardware also into MOS, but probably the A-Box is there only for compatibility issues ( expecially gain support from old AmigaOS in what MOS now lack).
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  • »10.10.05 - 16:06
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 745 from 2003/4/6
    From: Germany

    For wat I have understand, seem the Amiga-support of MOS is not a true emulator, IE don't emulate hardware. Is better say it "traslate" the old 68000 CPU's code of original Amiga into a code wich PowerPC can execute.

    MorphOS is not an emulator. It is an operating system which has an AmigaOS 3.1 compatible API and a build-in 68k-JIT Emulator.
    Mac mini, PowerPC G4 1.5 GHz, ATI Radeon 9200 64 MB, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD, MorphOS 3.18
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  • »10.10.05 - 20:42
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