I've just finished up a beta version of an update to ib2amirc. This script allows you to post a url into an amirc window. Download via the attachment!!!!
Using a FastLink or Context Menu, you can send a URL to an AmIRC window without having to stop, cut, and paste.
If you have multiple AMIRC windows open, you will get a requester asking for which window you would like to send the url.
This version requires RMH.library, AmIRC, and IBrowse.
Thanks to CISC, Piru, JacaDcaps, and KennyR for their help on this one!
note: the script will work under voyager, it just needs the file bits changed to "executable" and given %w as an arguement. I was just going to change the name and protection bits here (w/better docs) before calling it a release.
I'm guessing with a little care it will also work under AWeb too.
oh yeah, I'm fairly sure it will work quite well on classic amigas too.