• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 236 from 2003/7/28
    From: Canada
    Has anyone got classaction? (classaction.lha) the ReAction based file manager to work under MorphOS?

    I have installed ClassAct 3.3, and I know it is working because the AWeb Beta for MorphOS runs, but if I try to double click on the ClassAction Icon nothing happens...

    I have also tried the OS 3.9 classes, but I get the same result.

    A4000/060/PPC-200MHz, A4000T/060/PPC-233MHz, CD32, MicroA1, Pegasos 2 G4, AMD Phenom Quad Core 2.5GHz, MacMini 1.5GHz/64MB VRam...mwwmwahhh :)
  • »04.11.04 - 20:27
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