Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 653 from 2003/2/24
From: Hungary
(1) Does it run these programs natively or via JIT? if not with JIT, what is JIT used for?
JIT turns on automatically when it detects repetition of the same code, and provides awesome computing power. In some cases it can even provide nearly the native PPC speed, which is more than awesome.
(2) Does Morph emulate the old Amiga custom chipset, will it run old demos & games how compatible is it?
No. There is UAE for that kind of task.
(5) Any security measures or memory protection?
The underlying kernel protects as much as is possible without breaking compatibility. Unfortunately the AmigaOS API leaves little place for memory protection: but for example the JIT buffers, the unused memory and a few other things are protected. MorphOS provides debug output about badly behaving apps (the ordinary user see nothing of it but it's there, you have to turn on the display of debug hits), and when an application locks itself up and MorphOS detects it, it offers to remove the application.
Unfortunately, some crashes are unavoidable due to the AmigaOS API compatibility, and it's not always easy to detect a self locked app - but MorphOS does what can be done.
(7) How close is MorphOS to being like the old Amiga system Is it true plug and play?
I've recently purchased an USB game pad. It came with an install CD for Windows, with drivers and whatnot, and it was full of warnings, that a Windows is recommended. I simply connected it and it worked, without any further hassle. So it's kind of plug and play
(10) Are applications portable? are you able to move it and its entire directory encluding sub directory of Libs, C, etc,
and still allow it to execute from there without any problems?, and therefore deleteable with out any consequences to the OS
You mean movable? Yes, it's still the same as under AmigaOS, and even better: the system update is much more clever than on AmigaOS. Every setting of yours remains preserved. I was really impressed.
(11) what are the main differences or advantages between Morph & OS4?
MorphOS is ahead. And it seems it will remain so for the coming years. It had native PPC Gfx system, Radeon drivers years ago it's competition. It has integrated JIT, 24 bit gfx from ground up, it has 3D support, WarpOS and PowerUP support, native apps - to cut it short, for a considerable time it will have what OS4 users will wait for always a year or two before.
MorphOS provides, and with the next update it will be even more so countless things never seen on Amiga before.
I've never felt that I've "switched platform" or something, if it tells anything about how Amiga like it is
[ Edited by warface on 2004/7/10 17:51 ]