configuration help...please?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2004/6/28
    From: Holland (DR)
    Hi there!

    So I finaly got the smart joy plus and got out the ps controller and sat down to try to work out how I use them in playing snes... It was my friend who recomended that I get this things and now he's on vacation, and I somply haven't got patience to wait until he comes back (ack!) so I ask anyone who knows...

    How do I configure this thing in the games? lol
    I tried and it just doesent seem to work...
    Does it only work with some games? Do I use the wrong snes version (Snes9X)? Maybe I just havent filled in the things correctly...

    If anyone has answers I'd really appericiate it!

  • »28.06.04 - 07:52
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2004/6/28
    From: Holland (DR)
    no... it is a "smart joy plus" (convertor USB -> playstation controller) and the later mentioned...
  • »28.06.04 - 13:29
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 276 from 2003/3/14
    From: The Netherlands

    Spreek je moertaal hehe ;-)

    Heb de zelfde SmartJoyPlus Adaptor, had er in het begin
    ook problemen ermee, ik heb het zo opgelost :
    Ga naar: Menu / Settings / System Settings / USB / Devices...
    Selecteer "SmartJoy PLUS Adaptor" dan Settings / Action, Selecteer "Hat Switch" (in window "Usage Items") en delete de "Triggers", saven en klaar :-)
  • »29.06.04 - 15:15
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