itix wrote:
I recall it was written in the 68k machine language so it is no go.
Yes, it is in 68k assembly code. It is actually not that difficult to translate 68k assembly code into PPC assembly code, I've done it.
At the start of my business in 1989, I used Amigas exclusively. I had one mission-critical program (written in AMOS) with some embedded 68k assembly code. When Commodore went belly-up, I ported the program to a Mac, rewrote the program in REALBasic and converted the 68k assembly code routines I wrote into PPC. It wasn't difficult, it was only a couple of hundred lines.
Of course AMOS is written with thousands of lines of assembly code, so a program would have to be written that reads in the 68k assembly code, line-by-line, and write out PPC assembly code*. Of course, it would not be the most efficient code, since the PPC has a far broader instruction set; many individual instructions taking the place of several 68k instructions. But this speed capabilities of a 1.42 GHz PPC vs. a 7 MHz 68000 more than compensates.
*I could actually do such a program, if anyone is interested. I hope I still have the reference books I used.