• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2304 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    i will open a FTP server dedicated to developers on MorphOS.

    There will be some drawers with source code in different language (C, Hollywood, Lua, Python, E, etc.), port to test, betatest, ask help, etc.
    Thanks to add a readme to your archives to contact you.

    The files will be in read only mode.

    The goal is to have an active developement on MorphOS :-)

    If you are interested and/or if you want share your sourcecode don't hesitate to contact me on papiosaur2 at hotmail.fr

    I could create an new login/mdp for each new contact.
  • »02.12.24 - 16:10
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