• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2305 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    This is a first exe "created by me and the AI". The goal is just have some MUI Widgets usable with returns of values if possible.


    Copy these 2 files to RAM: and run ShowCase


    Some MUI widgets, interactions from them, no bug found, menu to quit

    Some gadgets don't work for the moment.

    I have "helped" the AI with some MUI sources (https://www.morphos-storage.net/?id=2024901) and some MUI doc from SDK.

    Difficult to explain to the AI what i want exactly and understand what it need, but i begin to understand structure of C source code and some commands :-)

    Many many ask to the AI to get this first executable: many source code obtained by the AI and some manual changes in code to keep the MUI Widgets working, recompilation, retest, reask to AI,etc.

    I found the result interesting.

    Next steps:

    - requesters
    - listview
    - others MUI Widgets
    - gauge

    To be continued...
  • »07.09.24 - 13:08
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