• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 545 from 2012/4/28

    Acill escribió:
    I was having a discussion with Hans De Ruiter about why he hasent ported his more modern drivers over to MorphOS that he dies for A-Eon on OS4.1 and was given a pretty interesting answer. It seems the discussion was brought up in the past abiut it, but was refused because A-Eon charges for these drivers (As I feel they should for all the work that goes into them) and the MorphOS team leadership refused because they dont want paid drivers on the platform.

    Why is this and how is that an issue here? How is it any different from other paid software available? I for one would love to see this happen and cant see how it would cause any issues for those that are fine with using the free drivers and didnt want to support it.

    Not trying to start anything negative, just curious as to why this is a road block is all.

    The problem from A-Eon is that it treats fans more like customers than fans. Let me explain, instead of asking for the right amount of money for the programs, they/he tries to make money as if the world were going to end tomorrow, for example, selling 2D drivers and selling 3D drivers a year later, without any discount, you have more examples, Personal Paint, the original is still better than the modern one despite the new effects.
  • »10.07.24 - 09:38