I have published next public version (0.16.29) of my Git Desktop.
User-friendly application for managing Git (revision control system) repositories, simplifying collaboration, version control.
- added option 'copy file name' in file context menus
- configuration for diff colors
- configurable 'lines of context' for diff
- added 'What is New' window
- added Shell tab
- added application icon
- now Git Desktop can be run from icon
- configuration of commits history date format
- added option to save output log to file
- updated appearance of History list
- updated branch list, now shows also remote branches
- enhanced branch deletion
- enhanced branch switching
- enhanced local repository handling
- many other improvements
- many bug fixes
Latest Screenshot:
git.desktop_mos.6.pngAvailable at MorphOS-Storage and Aminet.
https://www.morphos-storage.net/?find=GitDesktophttp://aminet.net/package/dev/misc/GitDesktopGit Desktop Tutorials [MorphOS] on YouTubeGit Desktop project page.