• Caterpillar
    Posts: 40 from 2003/8/1
    From: Krakow - Poland
    Hey everyone!

    I'm excited to announce that I've just released a series of short tutorials on YouTube about using Git Desktop and Git itself on the MorphOS operating system!

    I'm passionate about making development tools accessible to everyone, and I hope these tutorials help you get the most out of Git on MorphOS. Check out the videos, and let me know what you think! Your feedback is always welcome.

    I'm also eager to hear your suggestions! Are you interested in more videos like these? What specific topics would you like to see covered in future tutorials?

    Git Desktop Tutorials [MorphOS] on YouTube

    Happy coding!
    tdolphin.org     tdolphin.itch.io     GitHub
  • »25.06.24 - 18:39
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