Acolyte of the Butterfly
Posts: 138 from 2015/3/31
at the moment I'm working on the crt unit for freepascal, (ms-dos style console functions in freepascal)
for checking the current size of console and current position of caret (and other stuff) I use the ConUnit. It works nicely on AROS and AmigaOS3, cu_XMax and cu_YMax returns for example 80 and 13 for my default shell which is reasonable. But on MorphOS (3.12) the same exe gives 0, negative or very large values (like 0 and 4114). Also when compiled directly on MorphOS it does not work.
I also found a C source doing the same, and it shows the same behavior when compiled for 68k or MorphOS (68k exe works AmigaOS3.x, 68k/powerpc exe return wrong Value on MorphOS)
Link to C source and 68k Exe to try: someone has an idea what wrong here? is there an alternative?