Programming new MorphOS applications
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 216 from 2003/11/14
    From: Bavaria
    The reason why I asked about compatibility between GoldedEd AIX and Cubic is, that for the older one a lot more language extensions have been published, several used by me.

    Within the last few years I didn't take much attention to GED related news cause they mostly referred to the C extension package. So I don't know how much improvements or API changes happened to the editor itself.

    GED always needed a special Assign GoldEd:

    How about Cubic, does it need a special Assign ? Is it possible to run ged6 and cubic at the same time on the same machine, e.g. ged6+not-cubic-compatible-extension and cubic+hollywood-extension ?
  • »28.11.08 - 18:00
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany
    > So I don't know how much improvements or API changes happened to the editor itself.

    As far as add-ons are concerned, there were significant improvements - like tabbed add-ons. GoldED6 was crappy in that regard. Can't remember when the switch to better add-ons was made (in AIX or in Cubic?).

    > between GoldedEd AIX and Cubic is, that for the older one a lot more language extensions have been published

    Really? I'm not aware of many extensions. A lot of third-party extensions were made for GoldED3 and GoldED4: a TeX editing environment, a hex editor, etc. Then Amiga decline set it and developers disappeared. After GoldED5, virtually no third-party add-ons appeared anymore. Between GoldED6, GoldED AIX (internal name GoldED7) and Cubic's GoldED8, GoldED8 should have the most add-ons.

    > GED always needed a special Assign GoldEd

    Cubic's main editor GoldED needs the "golded:" assign and can not be used with an older GoldED on the same computer (except by changing the assign and flushing resident libraries before a switch).

    If you weant to try out Cubic on a computer with an old GoldED, comment out the old GoldED stuff in user-startup, reboot, install and try Cubic, then have it uninstalled by its uninstall program. All of Cubic's file go into a single directory with exception of the starter in wbstartup, so it's a clean uninstall.

    Very old GoldED versions used to spread files all over the system, ie. in fonts:, libs:, c: etc., and should be removed with their uninstall utility before Cubic is installed permanently!
  • »28.11.08 - 18:50
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2055 from 2003/6/4

    Zylesea wrote:

    Usually Dietmar has a promotion somewhen around christmas time when he's offering the system for a couple of days for a drastically reduced bargain price. You may look out for thatpromotion.

    And it's time again for the x-mas promo by Dietmar. Grab a copy of Cubic IDE now and save a lot. It's definitively worth it.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »08.12.08 - 12:11
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    Zylesea wrote:

    Zylesea wrote:

    Usually Dietmar has a promotion somewhen around christmas time when he's offering the system for a couple of days for a drastically reduced bargain price. You may look out for thatpromotion.

    And it's time again for the x-mas promo by Dietmar. Grab a copy of Cubic IDE now and save a lot. It's definitively worth it.

    Got my order in on the first day it was announced! Thanks Dietmar.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »08.12.08 - 20:29
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 809 from 2008/7/6
    From: Antwerp, Belgium

    Dietmar wrote:
    > Download the Demo (restricted to 1000 lines per file) and the C++-package

    Regrettably, I can no longer offer the C++ package (compilers and SDKs) for downloading due to the current server not permitting 160MB files. The contained, licensed material makes it impssible to simply upload the package to Aminet.

    Why don't you upload it to rapidshare and post the link on your website ? It's not the most straightforward way, but at least it would be available for download and it's free if you have a little patience. or split them with winrar or as such. Or Am I missing something ?

    [ Edited by Oepabakkes on 2008/12/9 9:48 ]
    Proud member of the Belgian Amiga Club since 2003

  • »09.12.08 - 08:46
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany
    > Why don't you upload it to rapidshare and post the link on your website ?

    Many Amiga users have problems with the javascript on file hosters' sites. I used them for a while but there were complaints (and not enough downloads to keep the files alive).

    - edit: I've upgraded the hosting plan and when I get to it, the download will be re-enabled.

    [ Edited by Dietmar on 2008/12/9 22:06 ]
  • »09.12.08 - 13:41
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1043 from 2004/9/23
    I use CubicIDE on Efika to compile my stuff on it and it works quite well.

    Anyway I don't see / never saw a reason why it shouldn't :)

  • »09.12.08 - 17:33
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 175 from 2005/1/14
    From: core of universe
    Thanks to the xmax offer, I took the change to get CubicIDE... even without testing !
    I hope I'll feel a real improvement :-)
  • »09.12.08 - 18:10
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Unfortunately, I haven't upgraded since AIX. No particular reason for not upgrading this time ;-) I probably should upgrade myself..

    MorphOS portal?
  • »09.12.08 - 19:02
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 525 from 2003/2/25
    From: France
    Hello Dietmar,

    What is the differences between 'free' golded in morphos SdK and the cubic ide ?

    And xmas promo is sold out :(


    [ Edited by Tcheko on 2008/12/10 0:08 ]
    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »09.12.08 - 23:03
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany
    > What is the differences between 'free' golded in morphos SdK and the cubic ide ?

    morphed is limited to C/C++ MorphOS development with gcc and the MOS SDK. It doesn't support other compilers and doesn't target other platforms. For example, it is not set up to compile 68k versions. It doesn't step much beyond editing C sources.

    Cubic, on the other hand, targets OS3, OS4 and MorphOS. It ships with many non-C-related components. The editor in Cubic, GoldED8, obviously is newer, with better features. For example, it can open all texts in one tabbed window and has better plug-ins (stackable containers).
  • »10.12.08 - 15:16
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    I use GoldED for more of the ARexx functions, and on occasion, for writing AmigaGuide texts. While I have done some C in the past, I fear that I am not knowledgeable enough to do much past a command line type application.

    I don't remember exactly how I did it, but (at least at one time) I had GoldED set up through MUI to replace the editor gadget in IBrowse. Hitting the "E" button on the bottom right corner of the text-input field for a forum post would put me in a GoldED window temporarily. That would allow me to use Joyce to help fix spelling issues, and "saving" the file would put it into the text field in the page displayed by IBrowse. Quite handy. (Note to self: double check how it works, and throw up a "did you know" line.)

    MorphOS portal?
  • »10.12.08 - 17:16
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark

    Setenv EDITOR Path:to/editor

    Should do that.
  • »10.12.08 - 17:45
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany
    setenv EDITOR golded:ed sticky

    (In case of GoldED, the starter "ed" should be used unless yout want multiple instances of GoldED in memory. The starter works by sending a message to GoldED, ie. it is asynchronous by design. In this case, you want the editor to run synchronously, ie. it must not return control to ibrowse until the text is saved. To achieve that, the STICKY/S argument is used)
  • »10.12.08 - 18:14
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    That's it! I knew I remember a switch was in the command somewhere. At any rate, having the EDITOR set to GoldED really helps for avoiding horrible typos in posts.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »10.12.08 - 18:18
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