• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2065 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    cgutjahr a écrit :

    polluks wrote:
    Maybe you can replace the closed MorphOS uploads of morphos-files.net in amiga-news.de?

    That would be up to us, not him. Tbh, I'm kind of tired of supporting people who don't even consider cooperation and just run off to do their own thing. It somehow looses it appeal after the fourth or fifth such instance.

    But yeah - he's going to get the same treatment eberybody else got, i.e. weekly upload summaries on amiga-news.de. But let's just give this whole thing a month or two, recently morphos file hosters are dying like flies.

    @cgutjahr: Can you explain your post please? I have asked to support me ? I don't think. If you don't want, not do it. I have ideas and projects and i try to realize them with help (thanks a lot BeWorld for your help) or not . Continue MorphOS-Files admin was not in my projects for many reason, if someone wants to contact Krashan to continue to admin it, he can of course.
  • »23.08.16 - 20:28
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