Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 350 from 2003/10/12
From: 1 AU, EU, DE/HU
TheMagicM wrote:
Back to the donations thing.. I dont see where I can donate to FPC. Again, If I donate, I do not want to donate anything like x86 /Windows etc.. If I must donate I want to donate to specific stuff, I guess AROS/Amiga 68k is fine as long as MorphOS gets the updates at the same time.
There was no organized donations so far for FPC. Nor Amiga-wise, nor otherwise, as far as I know.
Well, OK, a bit of history: I personally got my first Pegasos II/G4 back in early 2004 from Genesi, to port Free Pascal to MorphOS.
Which I did, as this very early example shows. After that there was a longer break, because I had no time to work on it, because I started working as a full-time software developer (before that I was a system admin). Fortunately, in the last two and a half years, my work was somewhat related to FPC, so
I had an excuse to play with it again. And I integrated some/most of Alb42's AROS work into mainline FPC (together with Alb42), got the 68k codegenerator up to speed (together with some other FPC Team members, as it was broken since 1.x times), so now there's a 68k Amiga port again, and also updated/cleaned up MorphOS related bits here and there. And synchronized the three ports in the most critical areas.
(BTW, back in 2006, I also had a proof-of-concept OS4 release, but since there was minimal feedback from the OS4 community, that's more or less dead. It could be resurrected, I could do it in a few days, but unless someone steps up as a regular OS4 maintainer for the RTL and Packages, it will just lag behind and die again, because I don't plan to do the same work all over again, the 4th time, for free, for a system which I... Hmm... Have doubts about... So I didn't do it so far.)Quote:
What apps have been written with FPC on the Amiga side (68k) and MorphOS? I just want to see what is possible.
FPC and the FP IDE itself was written with FPC. :) About Amiga-specific things, well,
see Alb42's blog about what theoretically possible, even if most of that is AROS only ATM, or does its baby steps on Amiga/68k and MorphOS. The long shot would be getting Lazarus itself running, which is a RAD IDE. But that's still a while away on MorphOS and Amiga I'd say. (Mainly because the LCL -> MUI GUI wrapper is pretty painful to work on, and I lack the required MUI knowledge, and/or enough time to debug where things go wrong...)
Other than that,
see the Lazarus Application Gallery, or
the Free Pascal Application Gallery to know what could be possible. (Of course, this is just a small glimpse on it, and most of it is "not there" for Amiga yet, but we're working on it...
But again, for me personally, donations wouldn't really help. If I have time, I work on it anyway, for fun. Of course, other Amiga developers are free to take bounties or donations on the subject, and if they come up with improvements, I'll be more than happy to integrate it into FPC. (If my assistance is needed, that is.)