A-EON AmigaOne X5000/20 works great with MorphOS!
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 172 from 2021/7/2

    Thank you very much!!
    Shift+LMB did not work. I guess because the wrong/correct screen resolution is loaded *before*.

    But: With some luck, CTRL key work.

    And I guess I have found the reason why I am having trouble: It is due to my monitor.
    Booting with CTRL key I got some standard screen, as you described. If I then set the sreent resolution to 1920x1080 - my Philips Brilliance 241B has 16:9 format - I immediately get the info: Wrong screen resolution. Set it to 1920x1080@60Hz. And the screen get black.

    Okay, I again did the procedure and had a closer look:

    For the X1650Pro I only can choose a 1920x1080@76Hz. Obviously my monitor cannot display that.
    Now I have changed to 1280x720@60Hz: And this does work - but of course is not that fun.

    Funny enough: If I am remembering correctly, for my HD5450 there also is only 1920x1080@76Hz available but the monitor can display it. Has anybody an explanation for that???
    Could this has anything to do with HDMI connection (HD5450) and DVI connection (all X-cards)??

    And is there any poosibility to add a screen resolution of 1920x1080@60Hz for the X-cards?

    Thank you!!!
    AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon X1650 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
    Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / 128 MB RAM / AmigaOS 3.9
  • »31.07.21 - 09:14
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12250 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I guess I have found the reason why I am having trouble:
    > It is due to my monitor. […] is there any poosibility to add
    > a screen resolution of 1920x1080@60Hz for the X-cards?

    You could try this workaround. (Shot in the dark, though.)
  • »31.07.21 - 10:32
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 172 from 2021/7/2
    Thank you.

    But in this case - for once i found this out myself - it is much more simple:
    MorphOS does recognize my monitor: Philips Brilliance 241B. But obviously assigns a wrong freqeuncy of 75Hz.

    ---> System: Prefs/Preferences/Monitors

    Under monitor specifications my monitor is listed.
    Choosing '24Bit 1920 x 1080' under Screen resolutions and then 'Edit....'.
    And there a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080p (60hz) is available.
    And yes, it works! :)

    I have only one question:
    What is the difference between '1920x1080p(60hz)', '1920x1080 (60hz)' and '1920x1080(60hz)CVRB2'?
    AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon X1650 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
    Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / 128 MB RAM / AmigaOS 3.9
  • »31.07.21 - 12:03
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2120 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    Primax wrote:

    Thank you very much!!
    Shift+LMB did not work. I guess because the wrong/correct screen resolution is loaded *before*.

    It was Shift or LMB, but not simultaneously.


    What is the difference between '1920x1080p(60hz)', '1920x1080 (60hz)' and '1920x1080(60hz)CVRB2'?

    I guess there are different settings (pixel clock, sync and pulse values, etc) for same resolutions that are standards or common enough otherwise. For example, that last one seems to refer to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Video_Timings.

    I guess you should just try which one works with your monitor if you don't know better :)

    EDIT: well...... I changed from 1920x1080p to 1920x1080 CVTRB2 myself.... less bandwidth, less load to gfx chip or something? :P

    For future references, it seemed to modify a monitor file in Prefs/Presets/Monitors/ directory. And you can see name of the monitor file from the Prefs/Env-Archive/CyberGraphX/RadeonMonitor file. If someone needs to play/fix/revert/debug these settings...

    [ Edited by jPV 31.07.2021 - 20:55 ]
  • »31.07.21 - 17:33
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 40 from 2020/6/8
    I am still very happy with MorphOS on my X5000. :-)

    Screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/yh5mb8S/Kernel5-17-rc1-Power-PC.png
  • »23.01.22 - 16:49
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 40 from 2020/6/8
    Hi All,

    I was able to update to MorphOS 3.17 on my AmigaOne X5000/20 today. Many thanks for this great update! :-)

    Screenshot: Morph-OS-3-17.png

    A-EON AmigaOne X5000 Update Instructions

    Download SD Card / USB Image for X5000: morphos-3.17-hybrid.hdimg MD5SUM: A7211CD3BF4D939ACAA2EE8CF4B0095B

    You will need a 500MB or larger USB disk

    Prepare the USB Disk

    Copy the image to a USB disk

    Linux Instructions

    With your system powered on, insert a USB disk that is at least 500MB into a USB port
    Determine the /dev path to your USB disk using one of the below methods:
    - In a terminal as su or sudo, enter "fdisk -l"
    - In a terminal as su or sudo, enter "parted -l"
    - Check the GParted menu in the upper-right corner

    These instructions assume the /dev path to your USB disk is /dev/sdz; however, your actual /dev path is likely to be different - use the actual /dev path to your USB disk

    In a terminal as su or sudo, enter the below command:

    dd if=/path/to/morphos-3.17-hybrid.hdimg of=/dev/sdz

    where "/dev/sdz" is the /dev path to your USB disk

    NOTE: Do not attempt to copy the image to a specific partition - you need to enter the /dev path to the disk, not to a partition (use "/dev/sdz", not "/dev/sdz2")

    Mac Instructions

    With your system powered on, insert a USB disk that is at least 500MB into a USB port

    Open the Terminal app in Applications > Utilities
    Determine the /dev path to your USB disk by entering the below command:

    diskutil list

    These instructions assume the /dev path to your USB disk is /dev/disk9; however, your actual /dev path is likely to be different - use the actual /dev path to your USB disk

    Enter the below command:

    dd if=/path/to/morphos-3.17-hybrid.hdimg of=/dev/disk9

    where "/dev/disk9" is the /dev path to your USB disk

    Windows Instructions

    With your system powered on, insert a USB disk that is at least 500MB into a USB port.
    Download "USB Image Tool" from alexpage.de

    Open USB Image Tool

    On the left panel, select your USB disk
    Click the "Restore" button and select the MorphOS disk image

    Boot to MorphOS

    Begin with your A-EON AmigaOne X5000 system powered down and insert the USB disk into a USB port - remove any other USB disks that are plugged in.

    Power on your system and press ESC when the boot animation starts to load the U-Boot menu.

    Choose "Command Line" from the U-Boot menu

    Type the following commands:

    usb reset


    After selecting the language and keymap please select "Installation ..."

    Choose "Update Installation"

    Choose the MorphOS volume and the button "Update".

    After that please shutdown MorphOS (Ambient - Shutdown... - Shutdown) and remove the MorphOS USB stick.

    Please start the AmigaOne X5000 and the new MorphOS 3.17 will boot automatically.

  • »14.05.22 - 12:25