Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
I know that the MorphOS Dev. Team members have decided that porting MorphOS to x64 is the direction they want to go for the future next step of development, but I would like to begin a discussion to gauge the interest, and potential for support, to port MorphOS x64 to the ARM architecture, once the Dev. Team has finished the first release of MorphOS x64.
My opinion is that MorphOS will probably always remain only a hobby OS, and never really compete 1:1 against Windows, MacOSX, or even Linux. I would love to be proved wrong on this point, and see the popularity of MorphOS grow into something that could compete with Linux distro's, but that is only a "pipe dream", IMO.
If MorphOS will always only remain a hobby OS, I believe it could be most successful, on cheap hobby ARM devices, unless the support for MorphOS on x64 hardware can easily be expanded to hundreds of consumer desktop and laptop/netbook/tablet computers. With the more likely support of x64 hardware being limited to one or eventually 2 or 3 different CPU/GPU & chipset combinations, due to limited resources to write device drivers, I'm guessing that most average computer users will not have the correct combination to run MorphOS x64.
If we could get MorphOS x64 ported to the Raspberry Pi family of boards, which appear to all use compatible components with each other, we would have the possibility of adding hundreds of thousands of potential new MorphOS software developers and tinkerers, since there are already millions and millions of Raspberry Pi boards sold, and many million more likely to be sold between now and when MorphOS x64 is finished, and porting of it to the ARM architecture could begin.
So, finally to my question; how many members here would be willing to pay into a bounty to port MorphOS x64 to the Raspberry Pi 3 (or 4, 5, 6, by the time a port could probably begin), or just the ARM architecture in general? Unless such a port could be done by 3rd party ARM developers now, and they could work side by side with the existing MorphOS Dev. Team members to do a MorphOS for ARM port while the x64 version was being developed at the same time, I would not want to (nor do I think the team would agree to trying to do it themselves) take away the focus of the existing MorphOS Dev. Team members, from their work to create the x64 version of MorphOS. I doubt that we could find a group of ARM developers who could/would be willing to create an ARM version of MorphOS, based on the x64 version, when the x64 version is still being created, and the goals may not be set in stone yet. It may still be a moving target at this point in time.
To be clear, this is a question asking how many people would be willing to fund a bounty to port the x64 version of MorphOS to the Raspberry Pi 3 (or later), and/or the ARM architecture in general, after the MorphOS x64 version is completed (or at the same time the x64 version is being created, but only if another team of ARM developers could be found to do the work, and such work would not slow down the existing MorphOS Dev. Team, in their work to create MorphOS x64).
I am looking forward to seeing a version of MorphOS that is not hindered by the legacy of Amiga roadblocks, running on powerful, new x64 hardware, but if we could also have that same, unhindered MorphOS running on the Raspberry Pi 3, hopefully with full support for the on board GPU (which may be a problem), I would be even more excited to see what might be possible for potential growth of our user base.
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.