Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12250 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
>> I wonder what became of the originally announced Bluetooth.
> I think they forgot about it. ;-)
Forgot? Or is it that there are no Bluetooth parts suited for OSH?
> I think limiting the PCI-E switching is a good thing.
Yes, of course, switching/bridging is always something to avoid and to use only if really necessary to implement the desired features. Using a PCIe bridge without being really necessary would be bad design and just add to the costs.
> isn't the TalosII a Power system, not a PPC?
The POWER microarchitecture implements the PowerPC ISA (as well as the more recent Power ISA), so yes, the POWER9 is a PPC and the Talos II is a PPC-based system.
http://morph.zone/modules/newbb_plus/viewtopic.php?forum=3&topic_id=7289&start=40> I tend to think of PPCs primarily as the G3-G5 (and similar) processors.
I tend to think of PPCs as all CPUs implementing the 32-bit and/or 64-bit PowerPC ISA :-)
> what do you think so far?
The block diagram looks good :-)