Problem on Quad G5
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2335 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    Thanks jacadcaps for the tips.

    Seems to be my graphic card is out, i have changed it and now is ok (for the moment..).

    Radeon X1950Pro 256Mb replaced by a X1950GT 512Mb.

    Thanks to all for your help!

    New question: MorphOS recognize only 256Mb on my X1950GT, normal ?

    [ Edité par Papiosaur 26.06.2022 - 17:33 ]
  • »26.06.22 - 15:22
    Profile Visit Website
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 648 from 2005/2/9
    From: Poland

    New question: MorphOS recognize only 256Mb on my X1950GT, normal ?

    yes, that's normal
  • »26.06.22 - 19:22
    Profile Visit Website
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12268 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > The 512Mb are used or only 256 are supported please ?

    Only up to 256 MiB VRAM are used/supported by MorphOS.
  • »27.06.22 - 11:32