question for BBRV
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 410 from 2003/8/13
    From: West Palm Beac...
    @ thefab,

    You are probably right, in that we do not know all of the details.
    but instead of joining the tri-monthly "where is our Upgrade Genesi"
    posts, why not get together with all those affected, and communicate
    in a civilized "Private Discussion" with Genesi. Wouldn't this bring
    more resolution and "solidarity??" constantly complaining on an open
    forum makes, what might be a legitimate complaint sound like whining.

    And I promise, this is my last post on this topic. If those involved
    don't understand the points I have made then theirs nothing else I can

  • »24.08.04 - 12:51
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    my sentiments exactly.
  • »24.08.04 - 13:35
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    Thanks katos1. Yes, please, if *any of you* have a specific issue write us!

    Falcon1, you provided some great support and we included you on a number of shows and trips (and a few good deals), however, as mentioned earlier if we ever suggested such an upgrade in these manner this was before the Articia problems were fully understood and if someone purchased their Pegasos during this period of time we would be happy to upgrade them. This is a very limited number of people. It is sad to say, but these issues become very much exaggerated with time. We actually upgraded well over 100 people with Pegasos II boards.

    BatteMan, where is ASUM today? Where was it a year ago? It seems without Bertrand -- who created the site -- the whole site has disappeared. Remember, this was part of the deal. You were not misrepresented in any way. There are many people who have made sites and received boards. If you have any specific issues just write us. No one, especially us, has lied to you.

    Finally, if some one wants a Pegasos II they can buy one right now through the website. If you have a special request just send us an email. What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    How about some community support here?! Genesi is making an determined effort to turn this community into something important in the IT world. We won't get there like this...

  • »24.08.04 - 14:02
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1915 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Sege doesnt even qual for an upgrade? All this started for nothing? I am shocked. Those of you that want a Pegasos II have you even asked if you can get some discount if you offered your old Pegasos I to someone that want to dev for us? I bet something could be worked out if you did that and gave it to a valid proven dev. Who knows.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
    Powerbook 1.67GHZ
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCIE (Registration #6130)
    A4000T CSPPC, Mediator
    Need Repairs, upgrades or a recap in the USA? Visit my website at
  • »24.08.04 - 14:25
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 302 from 2003/4/18
    Peg 1 is OK, but it's quiet annoying seeing apps/functions
    which I want to have but only work on peg2...
    I think I have on of the 1st pegs, but the upgrade seems to
    be unlikely.
    I no millionar too, so what am I going to do now?
    Mmmmh, I know:
    I'm going to sell my High-End (but getting more and more dust
    on the top, as I have a peg) Classic Amiga
    A4000D, CyberstormPPC 233/60, GRex, Fastlane,SCSI DVD,
    SCSI CDRoms and about 384 MB Ram soon....

    Do you think I have the money then for a peg2/1Ghz G4 ?


    PS: I dind't want to be impolite with the several
    "Buuuaaäääh, where is my upgrade"-request....
  • »24.08.04 - 14:46
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 282 from 2003/2/24
    From: France
    Ok, I take my upgrade, I take my offer and I put it where the sun never shines.
    After, I should give my Pegasos to a developper and then, I should buy a Pegasos II. Ok... We don't have the same idea of a simple customer.

    I wish you a good day and see you next time in France, perhaps at the Alchimie, the super french show.

    [ Edited by BatteMan on 2004/8/24 15:57 ]
    Proud user of MorphOS since 2003 !
  • »24.08.04 - 14:49
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    Hi Marcel (frostwork),

    Did you read this thread?!

    Why not make plans to attend PegasosPPC Day at SNDF and register as a Developer with Genesi/Freescale and get a complete Open Desktop Workstation in exchange for submitting monthly development reports? :-D

    Lunch and Dinner is INCLUDED! Space is limited so send your name, mailing address and local telephone number to as soon as possible!

    R&B :-)
  • »24.08.04 - 14:53
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 92 from 2003/8/19
    From: dtc

    Serge started this thread and paid for his pegasos, so don't involve Leo in this, he only provided some solidarity with us and surely deserve a bit more respect than you.

    [ Edited by FALCON1 on 2004/8/24 16:28 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 14:56
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    thefab, you are right. Our mistake.

    As for solidarity, it would be great if we had some more.

  • »24.08.04 - 15:01
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 302 from 2003/4/18
    Hi, bbrv!

    Yes, I read THIS thread ;-) but not the SNDF Europe thread...
    Well, meanwhile I did that too and it sounds quiet
    I hope I have time till about tomorrow, as I have to talk to
    my girlfriend first, if she's time to go with me to

    PS: Anyway my A4000 needs much place and prevents the
    dust from getting directly on my table :)
  • »24.08.04 - 15:09
  • Moderator
    Posts: 126 from 2003/2/17
    From: France

    Calm down, it's not a box ring there.. everyone should be respected... I won't let this thread turn into an open war.

    It's a discussion where averyone can expose his point of view, but that's all, forum is for general problems not for private ones

    BTW : i edited your post to correct a typo error

    My post about my situation was not for complaining, just for explaining... more in your mailbox.
    Pegasos rulez since august 2002
  • »24.08.04 - 15:24
  • JKD
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 456 from 2003/4/4
    From: South of heaven
    Just selling your CPU board should be enough, they fetch $700 to $900 here...that 'old iron' is only collecting dust waiting for OS4 anyway ;-)


    [ Edited by JKD on 2004/8/24 8:49 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 16:48
  • Leo
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 417 from 2003/8/18

    Leo, exactly what we said -- "when we are ready." The ODWs being *awarded* to developers were paid for by Freescale. BTW, didn't you get your board under the phreeboard program? If so, you are not eligible for the upgrade anyway.

    Some people are waiting for 7 (SEVEN !) months for an upgrade they gave money 7 months ago. And they received no information at all since months: this is a chance they have not completely left the platform after a so long time ! I think you owe them a lot more than "When it's ready" or worst, "when we want" (?!).

    And yes, I was part of the phreeboard program: I'm happy with my board, I perfectly know I am not elligible for an upgrade and I never asked for it. As pointed out Falcon, I'm only writting because I find it inaceptable that people are waiting for ages just to receive a "When it's ready".

    Since I received my board, I coded several programs for MorphOS (see, I promoted the Pegasos/MorphOS at the University for a whole year, including presentations, demonstrations,... And I'm mad to see people leaving the platform because of these delays.


    What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    If you (indirectly) point me, please read again: I did not start this thread. Instead, Serge, who bought a Pegasos1, ordered&paid an upgrade since months now, started it.


    As for solidarity, it would be great if we had some more.

    Some people seeing the updgrade wasn't coming, decided to buy a Pegasos 2 at full price instead of waiting any longer. Some other are now waiting for seven months after having paid something: only Amiga/Pegasos makes it possible. In any other market people would have left the platform (and made bad noise about it) since the first month... And you're asking for solidarity ?


    [ Edited by Leo on 2004/8/24 17:10 ]
    Nothing hurts a project more than developers not taking the time to let their community know what is going on.
  • »24.08.04 - 17:32
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4

    If you (indirectly) point me, please read again: I did not start this thread. Instead, Serge, who bought a Pegasos1, ordered&paid an upgrade since months now, started it

    This is not exact. Serge as many people did not paid, he pre-ordered/ reserved an upgrade to APS (who since then was unable to order it from Genesi). APS did not cash the money because in the past several preorder schemes failed.

    In one hand everyone agree that it is frustrating for the customers to wait for this upgrade for ever. On the other hand most of them did not pay for it.

    People should try to adopt a constructive attitude. Whining on the public forums will only make the situation worse.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2004/8/24 12:55 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 17:50
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20

    bbrv wrote:
    What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    OLA Mr BBRV, Have your read our betatester 1 contract ? I never received a PHREEBOARD. I PAYED A BETATESTER BOARD .

    the patched free board is not an UPgrade, but just a correction applied to the bugged Pegasos 1 like AmigaOnes. It's completly normal to do it and I thank your for it. It would be a shame if you dont do it like the other team with theyr bugged Aones.
    But by Upgrade, I mean something changing on features, like processor or memory type, or bus type or more ports, not just a bug correction. And G4 Processor card would be an upgrade, a pegasos II is an Upgrade.

    What I'm reclaming is juste what you must to do. I'm not the only one waiting for something you promise and we dont see a solution.
    It is not my problem if sombody on your team accepted to upgrade boards officialy from APS and he dont tell it to you, so PLEASE dont say me I'm in fault ! :-x

    Another problem, is you are trying to win time and more time. On this way some users are canceling theyr upgrades. It's not my case .
    I WANT MY UPGRADE !!!! because the PEG II is my favorite "thanks to Bplan"

    IF you decide to dont upgrade the APS boards any more, tell it to us clearly, and we will do what we have to do ! But dont tell us you will do it saying wait and wait and wait more.
    If I'm not stupide, there's PEG2 G4 boards available on you web site, so what are you waitting? :-x
    Dont forget, we "amiga users" are realy very bored of waitting for long time like stupe people.

    And dont forget to thanks Amiga community. It's this community who spend money on first time in your projects like me.

    So, to conclude, I JUST WANT MY UPGRADE .

    [ Edited by serge on 2004/8/24 20:25 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 18:11
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    @ Acill


    Acill wrote:
    You people need to stop all of this, and stop it now! Genesi looses money on any of the upgrades they do. The systems being offered as ODW machines are not being given by Genesi! They are being given away by Freescale, also the PURCHASER of the machines. They can do what they want with these machines. You need to understand this. Genesi is working long and hard on getting the Pegasos name out and known. They are doing more then Amiga inc. ever did, much more then the current company holding to the A1 and AOS4 is doing. If you paid for a Pegasos 1, then at least you have one. Some people dont even have that much. Why not shop for a new board and sell your current one? I have seen two Pegasos 2 G3 machines on ebay in the last two months. NEW users got those the last selling as a COMPLETE system for just over $400. I'm sure you can get half that for your Pegasos I machine if you try. For those of you that want a machine now i say go to the various resellers and see what they have. GGS Data had a new shipment not to long ago.

    In the end you need to stop being so damn greedy! The fact that Genesi even offers to do this in the first place is unheard of in any other company. When they can afford to make the offers they will just as BBRV has said.


    I'm furius.

    her is what I can see on your tag:
    Pegasos II G4 1000MHZ
    Corsair TwinXS PC3200 512MB DDR
    Soundblaster Live! Value
    Radeon 7000 AGP 64MB DDR

    Ok, you have a PEG II, so this is not your problem. Is not to me to stop this stupid situation, It is the genesi responsability.

    Today I have a pegasos limited by memory, I never could install more than 256 mb, this is a very big problem using mame and PSA and MOL and other linux stuff. I cant use a TV card without az voodoo3 on PCI, Voodoo3 on PCI is extremly slow. With this config, Ambient becomes a snail.

    The G3 is very good, but not for emulation application. A G4 is not to much but better.

    MOL is stoped on peg1 at 0.69 version, so no USB, no Burning, no sound.

    There are a lot of reasons to reclam The promised PEG II G4 board.
    So please STOP telling stupid things, it's not your life.
    If $400 is not a problem compared to 200 euros, please send me them. and you tell about PEG II G3 boards sold on ebay, you speak about 2 boards, only 2, we are a lot and not 2 people waitting.

    Sory, I can understand the industry world is very difficult and genesi does what they can, but on this situation, I'm feeling be fucked.

    [ Edited by FALCON1 on 2004/8/24 20:16 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 18:28
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20

    cdfr wrote:

    This is not exact. Serge as many people did not paid, he pre-ordered/ reserved an upgrade to APS (who since then was unable to order it from Genesi). APS did not cash the money because in the past several preorder schemes failed.

    In one hand everyone agree that it is frustrating for the customers to wait for this upgrade for ever. On the other hand most of them did not pay for it.

    People should try to adopt a constructive attitude. Whining on the public forums will only make the situation worse.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2004/8/24 12:55 ]

    It's not a problem to me to pay the 200 euros. A check was did since 7 months to APS for this Upgrade.
  • »24.08.04 - 18:37
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Oh geez, do we all have to have an "attack" attitude? (I don't mean just the folks asking about the boards from Genesi, but those defending Genesi as well.)

    I thought this was covered before, but I want to see what the perception is here:

    1. Was there money sent to anyone, APS or Genesi for said upgrades?

    2. Does everyone understand that the first upgrade "paths" were ruined by certain un-named dealers taking advantage of the "system" making it very difficult to continue?

    3. Those looking for upgrades, are they pegasos-1 users, beta-testers, and/or phreeboards?

    Be simple and straight forward please, no embellishment is required.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »24.08.04 - 18:41
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    I will continu to do all things i can to have my UPgrade.
    I bought my PEG1 from Thendic in France directly with Thierry Velasco who is a very nice person.
    I changed my board always with Thierry for a patched one without articia problems. When I meet him, he fells me something realy serius and honest. He tells to me to wait untill he will received PEG II G4 boards to do the Upgrade like BBRV told officialy " Upgrades could be donne by the resailors of the PEG 1 boards", and unfortunatly, he never received the boards, then genesi france closed the dor.
    I regret to not deal anymore with this person.
    I think Thierry is missing in Pegasos French world.
  • »24.08.04 - 18:53
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20

    1. Was there money sent to anyone, APS or Genesi for said upgrades?

    I send a check to APS. It never be charged. APS can charge it when he wants if he send me a PEG IIboard.


    2. Does everyone understand that the first upgrade "paths" were ruined by certain un-named dealers taking advantage of the "system" making it very difficult to continue?

    unfortunatly, it would be happend, but it is not a end-users problem


    3. Those looking for upgrades, are they pegasos-1 users, beta-testers, and/or phreeboards?

    I'm betatester 1
    not phreeboard !


    Be simple and straight forward please, no embellishment is required.

    Thank you for this simple question.
  • »24.08.04 - 19:00
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    @ BBRV


    bbrv wrote:
    What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    Is this a mistake or ... ? !!!!!!!!!

    I never received a PHREEBOARD, I'm a Betatester from the beginnig of the operation.

    Do you want to see the bill with the betateser contract signed by Thierry Velasco ?


    [ Edited by FALCON1 on 2004/8/24 20:26 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 19:06
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    -1- For what concerns upgrades preordered from APS people were asked to use checks. These checks were not cashed. The plan is to cash checks only when customers are shipped the upgrades. A very few users refused to order with checks and paid with Visa cards. Visa cards orders have to be cashed in 30 days.

    -2- Yes but honest resellers had agreements with Genesi to do such upgrades.

    -3- Mostly Pegasos 1 / April customers. Serge is an exception as he got a betatester 1 he paid full price. Some of these customers bought the pegasos 1 thinking they could benefit from the peg2 upgrade offer.
    Phreeboards are not entitled to the upgrade offer.

    I agree with Targhan, no need of getting angry and swear.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2004/8/24 14:14 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 19:11
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 10 from 2003/10/11

    This can be especially problematic as some corporate customers pay only at 60 days after delivery.

    What about the XXXXXX (like me) who paid 200 days before delivery ?!

    This was not by a reseller but on the Genesi website and the credit card has been charged !

    [edited by targhan: swearwords removed]

    [ Edited by Targhan on 2004/8/24 14:06 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 19:33
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Okay, now we're getting somewhere. APS is holding checks without cashing them (That seems fair, but can be illegal in some parts of the world. On the plus side, it shows just how much trust APS customers have in them--BRAVO!)

    Okay, if someone purchased an upgrade via the webstore that was charged, there will be records, and I feel that those people should either recieve a board or a refund. (I don't make the boards or run the accounting office, but fair is fair.) Let's not be too hasty in anger.

    So basically, we have some users who bought (at full price) a betatester board back in the day, who want an upgrade. (okay, I understand).

    We have APS under the impression (at the *time*) that they could perform such upgrades, and are holding checks. I'll assume, then, that a few other resellers may have done the same (correct?).

    Then, there are a few who purchased an upgrade directly from Genesi when this was available via the website.

    Those who are asking for the upgrades are not phreeboard assigned boards or pheonix discounts?

    If any of this is ever to be solved we need to know the who, what, when, and where of it all. I'm sure that every situation out there has a solution, but we need to know about the different situations to be able to even attempt to fix them.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »24.08.04 - 20:15
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    Right. Holding checks was the only way to proceed without cashing the money.

    APS was not under the impression only , there were several announcements / plans / agreements to have these boards upgraded by some resellers.
    This is why APS advertised the upgrade programs and got a relative high number of preorders. The customers elligible to preorder were customers with a Pegasos 1 bill from APS, Software Paradise (French reseller hwo stop his activities) and Thendic.
    All of these conditions were agreed with Thierry Velasco who was in charge of dealing with all resellers.

    Other resellers were waiting the upgrade program to start to take orders. As he didn't happen they are not in this situation now.

    Sometimes it does not pay to spend extra efforts promoting such operations :-(

    I guess that people waiting for upgrades would like to know if Genesi still plan to honour the upgrades and give an approximate timeframe for it.
  • »24.08.04 - 20:44
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