A) I have no presets. There is no preset list. There is NOTHING. You make it sound so easy "just click on the 1680x1050" like I'm some kind of retard. If I had the option to just click on the 1680x1050 preset, maybe I would have done that and not posted this diatribe.
If only things were so simple.
B) The only info about this monitor around on the net is the basic stuff (hori/vert frequency range), it doesnt tell me things I need like the settings MOS wants (the technical stuff).
Knowing that the monitor can do 31 - 83 KHz horizontally doesnt help
I dont have info on Sync + Pulse lengths / offsets, ntve/ptve polarity information, etc.
Everything I try causes my monitor to throw out of bounds signals, so I'm loathe to just try lots of different stuff in case I cause a problem.
Is my video bandwidth (in Hz) the same as the pixel clock?
the obvious solution to the problem is the broken DDC info. Windows has no problem with the DDC info, but MOS does. If I knew why MOS was reading the DDC info wrong, it would be something to start with.
anyway. Thanks guys for your suggestion, I guess I will try a few different values or jut give up on mos, since I cant buy a new monitor just to 'fix' MOS.
-- Stu -- [[ G4 Mini / 1.5ghz ]]