• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    Please type at the OF prompt (thanks to Senex for the hint):

    cd /openprom

    and list your peg model, board version, cpu board version, smartfirmware version number and date in this thread in this format:

    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2, CPU board 1.2, SF: 1.2 (20040810)

    Please add the mention "upgraded" or "downgraded" if you changed your Smart Firmware.

    I will submit these to Geoffrey Charra to add this information to the "Pegasos Book".

    Thank you.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2006/4/2 10:39 ]
  • »31.03.06 - 09:05
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 328 from 2003/5/19
    Please note: There are (at least) two slightly different variants of
    Pegasos 2 machines, that need slightly different OFs to work. I think
    people should know this because it's no use asking for a "new" OF
    where the main (only?) changes are to make it compatible with the
    on-board components.
  • »31.03.06 - 14:21
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    OK, I have added the Pegasos board revision (and cpu card aswell).
    The aim will be to document the different versions and what works with what.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2006/3/31 9:56 ]
  • »31.03.06 - 14:53
  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...
    Pegasos II/G4
    Board: 1.2
    SF: 1.2 (20040810)

    Hint for others: type at the OF prompt:

    cd openprom

    ...saves opening the case. :-)
  • »31.03.06 - 15:09
    Profile Visit Website
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 653 from 2003/2/24
    From: Hungary
    Pegasos II G4
    Board: 1.2
    SF: 1.2 (20050602)
  • »31.03.06 - 16:46
    Profile Visit Website
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 66 from 2003/10/5
    From: Rapallo (GE) I...
    PegasosII/G4 1.2
    OF 20040810112413
  • »31.03.06 - 21:20
    Profile Visit Website
  • News Moderator
    News Moderator
    Posts: 571 from 2003/2/10
    From: Vancouver Isla...
    0.1b112 20021203121657
    When you have eliminated all which is impossible,
    then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!!! - Sherlock Holmes
  • »01.04.06 - 00:22
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 117 from 2003/12/28
    From: Fort Myers, Fl...
    Pegasos 2 G4
    Board# ? (first run, recieved christmas 2003) CPU# 1.1
    OF Version 1.2 (20040810112413)
    Screen Shot


    [ Edited by nels664868 on 2006/4/3 18:17 ]
    Ask Dr. Stupid,
    Dear Dr. Stupid,
    Why do we have to go to school?
    That's a very good question. It's becuse your parents are
    ALIENS!!! When your at school they shed there human skins and
    breathe drier lint! hahahaha!
  • »01.04.06 - 00:43
  • DDJ
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 99 from 2003/2/24
    From: Brasil
    MBoard 1.2 - CPU 1.2
    OF 1.2
    Peg2 G4 1Ghz rev. 1.2 - CPU rev 1.2 - Built on 20050808
    OF-version 1.2 (20050808153840)
    Radeon 9250 (9200Pro) 256MB/128bits AGP - OEM PCVIEW (ProLink)
    RAM 1GB - 2x512MB DDR333 CL2 - Kingston HyperX
    40GB ATA100 - Brand ?
  • »01.04.06 - 05:15
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    So far we have:

    Pegasos I/G3 "PRE-APRIL", Board: 1A (0.1b73), CPU: 750 CX 1.0, SF: 1.1 (20020814)
    Pegasos I/G3, Board: 1A1 (0.1b112), CPU: 750 CX 1.0, SF:1.1 (20021203121657)
    Pegasos I/G3, Board: 1A1 (0.1b114), CPU: 750 CX 1.0, SF: 1.1 (20030317114750)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.1, CPU: 744X 1.1, SF: 1.2 (20040224)
    Pegasos II/G3, Board: 1.1 (0.2b1), CPU: 750 CX 1.0, SF: 1.2 (20040402193939)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.1, CPU: 744X 1.1, SF: 1.1 (20040405)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.1, CPU: 744X 1.1, SF: 1.2 (20040405)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2, CPU: 744X 1.2, SF: 1.1 (20040505)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.0, CPU: 744X 1.0, SF: 1.2 (20040810112413)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2, CPU: 744X 1.1, SF: 1.2 (20040810112413)
    Pegasos II/G3, Board: 1.2, CPU: 750 CX 1.0, SF: 1.2 (20040810112413)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2, CPU: 744X 1.2, SF: 1.2 (20040810112413)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2, CPU: 744X 1.2, SF: 1.2 (20050602111451)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2 ,CPU: 744X 1.2, SF: 1.2 (20050808153840)
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2 ,CPU: 744X 1.2, SF: 1.2 (20051216161829)

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2006/4/4 7:26 ]

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2006/4/10 14:43 ]
  • »02.04.06 - 08:30
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    Pegasos II/G4, Board: 1.2, CPU board: 1.2, SF: 1.2 (20050602)
  • »02.04.06 - 12:02
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 301 from 2003/2/24
    From: Genesi
    What's the point of listing these?
    Matt Sealey, Genesi USA, Inc.
    Developer Relations
    Product Development Analyst
  • »02.04.06 - 12:30
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 459 from 2003/8/30
    From: universe, milk...
    I've got a peg one
    where do i type those commands?

    typing them in a shell gets a no device found kind of repsonse.
    "if you ever slam anyone, for anything, somehow you always end up eating shoe" Targhan
  • »02.04.06 - 13:35
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    The point is to list all the OF versions, all the board revisions and ask gently Bplan what changed between them.
    We may also learn that certain OF versions are matched with certain Hardware rev and know if depending on what OF version we have if an OF update to a newer version would make sense or not.

    If all this information is publically documented somewhere please advise.

    The commands are not to type in a DOS shell but at the Open Firmware prompt. If your Peg is set to autoboot you can press ESC when booting to reach the OF prompt.
    It looks that on (some ?) Peg1 the OF commands listed by Senex does not work. Peg1 owners please try to read the OF version if displayed at boot time (it may depends as some gfx card may not display it) and report the version here. For mainboard and CPU board rev you can always check it on the boards.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2006/4/2 8:55 ]
  • »02.04.06 - 13:52
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    Peg1 owners need to add a " / " :

    cd /openprom
  • »02.04.06 - 14:32
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 459 from 2003/8/30
    From: universe, milk...
    hey, thanks guys! I'm writing down everything it says because I really don't know what it all means :lol:
    I'll leave it to you to understand....

    built-in 0x1317E4E (20020814)

    Relative-addressing model "Pegasos, 0.1b73"

    SmartFirmware-version "1.1"
    "if you ever slam anyone, for anything, somehow you always end up eating shoe" Targhan
  • »02.04.06 - 14:42
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    Thanks for the tip soundsquare
  • »02.04.06 - 14:52
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    Pegasos II G4
    Board 1.2
    CPU board 1.1
    SF 1.2 (20040810)
  • »02.04.06 - 20:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    Here goes the first 1.1 CPU module !

    Could you please post a picture of it ?
  • »02.04.06 - 20:53
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20

    cdfr wrote:
    Here goes the first 1.1 CPU module !

    Could you please post a picture of it ?

    I'll post some pictures tomorrow, front and back.
  • »02.04.06 - 21:27
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27

    I have the following 6 Pegasos's (they are all the same):

    SF: 1.2 (20040810112413)
    Pegasos 2, 1.2
    realtive-addressing: 0x131CC6A (20040810)



  • »03.04.06 - 08:31
    Profile Visit Website
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 103 from 2006/2/27
    From: Italy
    Sometimes the OF revision release number and date is
    overwritten at OF prompt page by the OEM-Banner set by
    the reseller, to disable the OEM-banner it should be enough
    to type at prompt:

    setenv oem-banner false

    and reboot...
  • »03.04.06 - 10:03
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20

    cdfr wrote:
    Here goes the first 1.1 CPU module !

    Could you please post a picture of it ?

    CPU v1.1 front

    CPU v1.1 back
  • »03.04.06 - 11:12
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    SmartFirmware Version "1.2" (20051216161829)
    model "Pegasos2,1.2"
    built-on "0x131F510 (20051216)

    upgraded due some gfx Probs with my Radeon 9000 which where solved with the newer Firmware.

    [ Edited by Bladerunner on 2006/4/3 13:27 ]
  • »03.04.06 - 12:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 278 from 2003/3/4
    Thanks toto and Bladerunner. Any other firmware around (Anyone with a pre-april or an april 1 firmware) ?

    If someone please can post similar pictures for CPU Board 1.0 and 1.2 then we can spot the differences :)
    I have a 1.2 CPU board but I am currently away from it. I may post a picture later if nobody does it.

    [ Edited by cdfr on 2006/4/3 8:31 ]
  • »03.04.06 - 13:30