Vectrex emulator
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    Vectrex is a vector-based video games console released in 1982.

    Just released a rather heavily modified port of vecx SDL version. Removed SDL_gfx use (and replaced with OpenGL) so it should be a lot faster than the original software renderer (didn't quite get that working on MorphOS, so can't benchmark)

    Also added some features, such as joystick support, pause, overlay toggle, warp mode, and an option to render "trails" from previous frames.

    For now, it's command line only program. Usage:
    VecxGL <rom> <overlay>

    Overlay is an optional image (most games came with one) and actually rom is optional too, if not specified, it will run built-in Minestorm, which is quite nice Asteroids clone.



    Forgot one of the nicest things: All original Vectrex games from the 80's are freely & legally available for non-commercial use, so knock yourself out.
  • »03.04.13 - 22:59
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