Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
Jim wrote:
And we don't need that much horsepower.
Today's PPC and X64 cpus are more powerful then we need.
Not that we can't always use more power.
We don't?
And please don't put an equal sign on PPC and x64, not only do they not play in the same league, they are in different
dimensions today.
Heavy graphics editing/processing (á la Photoshop), 3D rendering, applications for video editing (á la After Effects on PC/Mac) and encoding, music creation (with lots of stacked SW synth's/VST plugs like on PC/Mac), etc, all historical "Amiga" strengths (a in a different time of course, using different methods than today of course, and Amiga of course never saw these kind of programs, but anyway

), they will all happily swallow all CPU power you throw at it. Especially if you want to view results (or at least previews) in real-time, which really is something that benefits any creative process.
Of course I know that there are no such programs for Amiga, and if possible it will be even less for the new MorphOS once it gets here. And I'm not claiming there will ever be any either. But without the CPU power of modern Intel's, there is also no point in writing such applications. You've got to start somewhere!
And when speaking of writing SW, it deserves to mention that SW development/compiling large projects require a lot of CPU power. Ask Fab what machine he uses to compile Odyssey for example. I would be surprised if the very MorphOS releases we use today isn't built on x86 machines as well.
Heck, even everyday stuff like web browsing (especially heavy, media-centric sites) and media playback of various kinds could use a lot more CPU power than we can get from our PPC machines...
And 4k is about to break through, stuff like augmented reality, VR, etc. Not saying that we will ever have such applications, I'm not naive, but without the processing ower, the chances are 0%.

MorphOS is Amiga
done right! 
MorphOS NG will be AROS
done right!