One year is passed since the publication of "From Genesi(s) To Revelation", and now Dr.Morbius strikes back! In his new article "The Rise and Fall of Installation Procedures" (that you will find in the Tutorials/Doctor'sOffice area of MorphZone) he makes first a historical review of the development of installation procedures for all computer platforms.
Then he specialises the review concentrating on our preferred environment, and discusses installation procedures like they were (Amiga's legacy), currently are, and should be in MorphOS. In this part of the article there is an entire section exceptionally contributed by another well-known MorphZone personality: Tokai. In section 6.2 of the article you will also find descriptions and links to two ARexx utilities (and their manuals) written to gain the highest possible control on every action done by any installation procedure in your hard disk.