MorphZone : : WebChat Login Block Moved
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/5/30 19:09:24
A FYI for the MorphZone users, the webchat block has been moved to the right side of MorphZone.

We are trying to clean up MorphZone, so various items have been shifted around. The last layout had the news so far down on the page, it was aggrivating even for the admins to get to. Hopefully, these changes will make MZ a better place for all.

Thank you for your time,
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2003/2/14
    Posts: 750
    From: Earth
    Dave, it looks great! :-D

    You are really doing a fantastic job here.

    Best regards,
    Raquel and Bill :-)
  • »2003/6/1 7:10
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