MorphZone : : New Gallery
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/6/1 17:54:24
In an effort to show support for the world around us, MorphZone is proud to host a new gallery, The Butterfly Conservation.

We are looking for photos of butterflies in YOUR yard! The photos must also be of living specimens only. Take an intrest in conserving your local butterfly population by planting a butterfly friendly garden. Due to the simularity in their diets, the Conservitory will also allow pictures of hummingbirds.

If you've gotten this far into the news-item, then you're likely wondering how to get those butterflies to your yard. Simply put, you need to help the caterpiller population to see more butterflies. Attracting butteflies with red or yellow flowers is fairly easy; in fact, even the cloves trying to grow in your yard's grass will attract butterflies. However, to have butterflies, you need a place for them to have their young.

Different butterflies like a diverse variety of plants. It's best to research the needs of your local butterfly population. Trying to attract a South American butterfly in fields of Northern Europe will not do much good! Also, it is a good idea to have some rocks around any flowering gardens to allow the butterflies a place to dry their wings.

Happy Hunting!