Quote:PLEASE NOTE!User "amigadave" has generously offered to
match any donations made by other users for this bounty, in order to make the goal for the bounty to be reached twice as fast!

So with the current 25% stand, we are (should be) at 50% already!
A thumb up for this (and then another to match it


[ Edited by takemehomegrandma On 2015/8/7 22:05 ]
Yes, I did, and I will be making my donation of approximately 213 Euros before the end of this week, and hope that the rest of the bounty can be fulfilled soon, so jacadcaps can begin work on it, before he becomes too busy with other coding projects, or his child gets older and more active, which will definitely take up most of his free time.
Again, congratulations on the addition to your family, and a very large thank you for all of your previous work on MorphOS, as well as offering to complete this smaller project that was requested by some MorphOS users. It is the members of the MorphOS Dev. Team like jacadcaps, who make this continuation of the Amiga spirit live on in the form of an excellent operating system for the rest of us to use and enjoy.
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.