EFIKA case proposals
  • phx
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 60 from 2005/3/29
    From: Herford, Germany
    I searched the net, but I found nothing about a nice case for the EFIKA board. It seems to be really difficult, as the form-factor is non-standard.

    Any proposals? Maybe a nano-ITX case, which is a bit higher than normal? Anybody got a case for his EFIKA?
  • »30.11.06 - 09:07
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 231 from 2005/6/2
    From: Asturies, Spain
    Is not EFIKA ATX compliant?

    I would like to make a custom case (PVC and aluminium, perhaps), but I would like to have the EFIKA in my hands first xD.
  • »30.11.06 - 12:47
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    check this approved project on ppczone :

  • »30.11.06 - 12:53
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...

    amiades wrote:
    I would like to make a custom case

    Wood is easier to craft, and plywood (contrachapado) is very adequate, 4mm MDF is best. For prototyping, a reasonably rigid cardboard is very useful.
    Being such a special computer, the Efika deserves a completely custom case!
  • »30.11.06 - 15:48
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles

    Pizza boxes work just as well.. just ask Bigfoot..

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »30.11.06 - 16:26
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 109 from 2006/9/10

    Being such a special computer, the Efika deserves a completely custom case!

    I wonder why bplan hasn't announced a "Give-Efika-Her-Face" contest yet. ;-)
  • »30.11.06 - 16:37
  • ASiegel
    Posts: 1373 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe


    Being such a special computer, the Efika deserves a completely custom case!

    I wonder why bplan hasn't announced a "Give-Efika-Her-Face" contest yet. ;-)

    Because getting a designer to think up a case is not a problem for bplan & Genesi. On the other hand, organizing the manufacturing of a case and finding the right amount of customers to make it cost-effective is considerably more difficult.

    As everyone will be aware, EFIKA is designed to be low in cost. A custom EFIKA case would have to fit the same criteria which only works if you produce a reasonably big amount of cases (economies of scale). This is usually not something you arrange in your lunch break... Plus, there is always the option of just taking an existing case which is available in large numbers and can be modified to make an EFIKA fit inside perfectly.
  • »30.11.06 - 17:47
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    I would love to design a custom case.. too shame I am wayyy to busy at work where I have the tools to do it.
    www.mikseri.net/hooligan <- Free music
  • »30.11.06 - 18:05
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1035 from 2004/9/23
    Well, what about these?

    If you don't want to spent much money:


    This is only useful at the end of october! :)


    More serious is this link:


  • »30.11.06 - 18:09
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    More serious is this link:


    I got an Epia board in this morex case, unfortunately the Efika won't fit in it, unless you mod it seriously.
  • »30.11.06 - 18:57
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1035 from 2004/9/23
    > I got an Epia board in this morex case, unfortunately the Efika won't fit in it, unless you mod it seriously

    Can you explain why there is a problem?

  • »30.11.06 - 19:35
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    Can you explain why there is a problem?

    this case is a mini-itx case, the Efika is not a mini-itx compliant board. This case wasn't designed for the Efika form factor and would need some modding for it. For instance, the screw holes and all that stuff won't be at the right location.

    I'll get an Efika myself soon, so i'll tell you more once i'll try to see how this case could be used for this board.
  • »30.11.06 - 20:48
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 33 from 2005/10/16
    From: sweden
    How about this www.tetra.se/
    That is lowcost casings indeed! And its a HQ swedish product!
  • »30.11.06 - 20:59
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    I'm trying to convert a notebook case to the Efika.
  • »30.11.06 - 21:35
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 224 from 2003/4/2
    Hmm... So Efika won't run on a Mini ITX of Nano-ITX case?

    Hmm... Okay looked at the specs of the motherboards... Nano is 12x12 and Mini is 17x17... The Efika is between those two, so I might be able to shoe horn one inside a mini-itx case, but probably will need to rework the break-out panel.
  • »01.12.06 - 15:34
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Now that is fcking cool!

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »02.12.06 - 01:01
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2005/7/3
    I think the case shown in bbrv's blog is perfect and would look great next to my Mac mini :-)
  • »02.12.06 - 10:38
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    Genesi should be selling a complete system also. Seems to be too much hassle to even find suitable case, and in worst scenario you even have to mod it.

    But its understable that such an option is not offered, Efika is not meant to be put inside a normal case anyway :-)
    www.mikseri.net/hooligan <- Free music
  • »02.12.06 - 10:46
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2005/7/3


    Genesi should be selling a complete system also.

    'also'? I don't think there's any point in selling the Efika as anything other than a complete system. I want to buy a box which I can just plug in, connect to my monitor, USB keyboard and mouse. and switch on. I certainly wouldn't have bought a Mac mini if I had to find a case, modifiy it, find a graphics card, sound card, hard drive etc.
  • »02.12.06 - 10:57
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland

    I think you have mistaken in what Efika was designed to do.
    www.mikseri.net/hooligan <- Free music
  • »02.12.06 - 12:55
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2005/7/3
    I appreciate that, in common with most of the new motherboards being mentioned as capable of running Amiga OS's, the main focus of the Efika is embedded markets. But as this forum is discussing it's use with Morphos (which I believe is a desktop OS), and the supply of suitable cases for desktop users, I don't see bare boards as an option for a lot of people -or are there thousands of Morphos users wanting to develop embedded applications?
  • »02.12.06 - 13:22
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    Exactly what I said in my comment. I also mentioned I understand fully why there ISNT an option to purchase complete systems. Selling two dozens of Efikas to MOS-users isnt exactly a market :-)
    www.mikseri.net/hooligan <- Free music
  • »02.12.06 - 14:13
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 14 from 2007/8/27
    any interest in a 1u rackmount efika...

    I have a case and i was thinking i could put at least 2 in the case with power supplies, cooling, 2 slim-dvdrws and a usb kvm switch and 2x4 port powered usb hubs :)

    thinking an xgi video card in one and ati 9200 in the other, both with 120gb hds...

  • »11.01.08 - 22:18
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 254 from 2004/4/22
    From: Pegasos.org
    How are you supposed to connect the optical drives?
  • »11.01.08 - 22:47
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