Gorky 17 - OS3 Version
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 39 from 2024/7/11
    Please check if the same issue happens if you set


    (content of the variable does not matter only if it exists or not).

    Might be for some reasons it thinks it is on a non-MorphOS system and uses AMP2 instead of mplayer or something like that.

    Also I'd like to know if it is an issue of the game or the video player. By disabling the intros we should know this.

    Also did this problem happen before any Video was played ? (If yes, it is definitely a problem of the video player, as playing an intro video is the first thing the game will be doing when started).
  • »20.12.24 - 13:55
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
    Unfortunately the error persists, despite disabling the videos as requested.

    Log tool states:


    114.071| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x110088f8] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x000088f8]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x112b030c] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x002b030c]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x11007694] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007694]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x11008df4] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00008df4]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.071| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.071| >>> ABox State
    114.071| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.071| ExecBase: SysBase 0x140019b0
    114.071| SysFlags 0x8000 AttnResched 0x0000 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    114.071| ThisTask 0x18b43d40 TaskReady 0x160257c0 TaskWait 0x14011730
    114.072| ResModules 0x140041e0
    114.072| TaskTrapCode 0x10122108 TaskExceptCode 0x10122110 TaskExitCode 0x1012216c
    114.072| TaskSigAlloc 0xf1ff TaskTrapAlloc 0x8000
    114.072| IdleCount 33367 DispCount 366544
    114.072| Quantum 4 Elapsed 4
    114.072| VBlankFrequency 50 PowerSupplyFrequency 50 EClockFrequency 709379
    114.072| MainTID 0x10020010 SchedulerTID 0x10020012 SchedulerSig 0x80000000
    114.072| OldSRR0 0x0
    114.072| ConfigServerTID 0x10000013
    114.072| LastIntObject 0x1567cc2c
    114.072| LastIntObject 0x1567cc2c <Not Valid ptr>
    114.072| Code 0x157cc9a0 Data 0x1529002c
    114.072| Int0: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int1: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int2: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int3: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c38 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int4: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c58 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int5: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c48 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Interrupt 0x1402def6 <graphics.library>
    114.072| Code 0x10195f68 Data 0x1402deac
    114.072| Interrupt 0x15435198 <ixemul timer interrupt>
    114.072| Code 0x154322e0 Data 0x00000000
    114.072| Int6: iv_Code 0x10195f70 iv_Data 0x1402deac iv_Node 0x1402df22
    114.072| Int7: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int8: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int9: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.072| Int10: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.073| Int11: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.073| Int12: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.073| Int13: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c68 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.073| Int14: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.073| Int15: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c78 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.073| >>> Running Task
    114.073| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.073| Task 0x18b43d40 Name 0x18b44dc4 <SDL subtask> Type 13 Pri 0
    114.073| Flags 0x8 State 2 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    114.073| SigAlloc 0x8000f1ff SigWait 0x80000000 SigRecvd 0x00000000 SigExcept 0x00000000
    114.073| ExceptCode 0x10122110 ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10122108 TrapData 0x00000000
    114.073| Switch 0x00000000 Launch 0x00000000 UserData 0x00000000
    114.073| SPLower 0x18b43e24 SPUpper 0x18b44dc4 SPReg 0x18b44d5c
    114.073| MemList 0x1757c818 Entries 0x1
    114.073| Address 0x175f5288 Size 0x20
    114.073| MemList 0x2c3b03d0 Entries 0x1
    114.073| Address 0x18b43d40 Size 0x1090
    114.073| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.073| ETask 0x1722423c
    114.073| MemPool 0x1764d3e8 PPCLibData 0x00000000
    114.073| PPCSPLower 0x2c41acfc PPCSPUpper 0x2c422cf0
    114.073| PPCTrapMsgPort 0x00000000 PPCTrapMessage 0x17210fbc
    114.073| PPCRegFrame 0x2c422810
    114.073| Private[] 0x24c228dc 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
    114.073| EmulHandle 0x2c4226c0
    114.073| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.073| EmulHandle 0x2c4226c0 Type 0x00000004 Flags 0x00000001
    114.074| SuperHandle 0x10001000 Type 0x00000000 WaitMask 0x00000000 SyncMask 0x00000000
    114.074| USP 0x00000000 SSP 0x14003898 VBR 0x14003d78
    114.074| SFC 0x00000000 DFC 0x00000000 CACR 0xa0808000 TC 0x00000000
    114.074| ITT0 0x00000000 ITT1 0x00000000 DTT0 0x00000000 DTT1 0x00000000
    114.074| URP 0x00000000 SRP 0x00000000 BUSCR 0x00000000 PCR 0x04310501
    114.074| >>> Task Registers Frame
    114.074| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.074| SRR0 0x182184ac SRR1 0x0200f030
    114.074| LR 0x1821e588 CTR 0x18218448
    114.074| CR 0x22200240 XER 0x00000000
    114.074| GPR[00] 182184d8 2c422540 00000000 00000000 00000001 008a2c08 00000001 00000000
    114.074| GPR[08] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 1722423c 1821e588 191eeb60 00000000 11362614
    114.074| GPR[16] 00000000 00222222 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.074| GPR[24] 00ffffff 1764965c 00000000 00004e20 176a0764 176a06dc 182c9800 00000001
    114.074| FPSCR 82028000
    114.074| FPR[00] 3ff0000000000000 3ff0000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[08] bff0000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[12] 0000000000000000 4029f6e1edc18cae 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.074| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.075| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
    114.075| VPR[00] 313134303733000800000001783000a0 0089b3ef000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b
    114.075| VPR[02] 0089b3ef1d1d1d1d0000000100000000 1c1c1c1c000000200000000100000000
    114.075| VPR[04] 1c1c1c1c0000002d00000000a95a9880 1000d990000403cc00000000a95a9880
    114.075| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000a0089c460 0089b3f843300000405c84a867b8109d
    114.075| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.075| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000001000d8d81f1f1f1f
    114.075| VPR[12] 1000d970ffffffff1000d9f00000000a 1000d9801000d9981e1e1e1e0000000a
    114.075| VPR[14] 1000d990000117001000d8f800000000 1000d9c00004050400000000a95a9880
    114.075| VPR[16] 181818180000000043300000017c0f93 1000d9c0000000001e1e1e1e00000000
    114.075| VPR[18] 1000d9d000040570000000001000dad0 1000da50000415f00000000178300000
    114.075| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 30003000336337380000000000000000
    114.075| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 1135adcc000000000000000000000000
    114.075| VPR[24] 11359078000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b 1c1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b
    114.075| VPR[26] 1c1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1e1e1e1e1f1f1f1f 1000daf0000401f40000000000000000
    114.075| VPR[28] 0000000100ba40080000000a00003753 11359a5700ba77620000000000000000
    114.075| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.075| >>> Task Stack History
    114.075| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.075| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.075| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.075| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.075| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x110088f8] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x000088f8]
    114.076| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x112b030c] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x002b030c]
    114.076| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x11007694] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007694]
    114.076| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x11008df4] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00008df4]
    114.076| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.076| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.076| Stack: 0x2c422540
    114.076| 0x2c422520[-0x20] 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.076| 0x2c422530[-0x10] 00ffffff 14022b64 00ffffff 00ffffff
    114.076| 0x2c422540[0x000] 2c422570 00010005 140019b0 00010005
    114.076| 0x2c422550[0x010] 2c422570 00004000 2c3b083e 00000000
    114.076| >>> Full PPC mode: Last saved 68k context
    114.076| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.076| PC 191eeb60 SR 0000
    114.076| Dn[0] 80000000 00010001 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.076| An[0] 2c3b0b08 2c4223b0 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 140019b0 18b44dbc
    114.076| Stack: 0x18b44dbc
    114.076| 0x18b44d9c[-0x20] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.076| 0x18b44dac[-0x10] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.076| 0x18b44dbc[0x000] 11362610 00000fa0 53444c20 73756274
    114.076| 0x18b44dcc[0x010] 61736b00 18b43d38 00001090 1569f010
    114.076| 0x18b44ddc[0x020] 2c2bb3b0 0d0118b4 5e5c0804 ffffc000
    114.076| 0x18b44dec[0x030] f1ff4000 00000000 00000000 00001721
    114.076| 0x18b44dfc[0x040] 3cdc0000 00001012 21100000 00001012
    114.076| 0x18b44e0c[0x050] 210818b4 5de018b4 4ebc18b4 5e5c0000
    114.076| 0x18b44e1c[0x060] 00000000 00002bf8 72b00000 00001adc
    114.077| 0x18b44e2c[0x070] 10500000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.077| 0x11362610 -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00362610]
    114.077| 0x10122110 -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00022110]
    114.077| 0x10122108 -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00022108]
    114.077| 0x10500000 -> fatfs.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007180]
    114.077| >>> Last saved PPCThread State
    114.077| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.077| SRR0 0x10120e14 SRR1 0x0200f030
    114.077| LR 0x1010f2c4 CTR 0x00021694
    114.077| CR 0x88200880 XER 0x20000000
    114.077| GPR[00] 0001de68 2c422370 2c4226c0 008a1ba0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.077| GPR[08] 00000000 00000000 0000000a 008a1bc0 00000000 191eeb60 00000000 11362614
    114.077| GPR[16] 00000000 00222222 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00000004
    114.077| GPR[24] ffffffff 14001b58 14001b54 00000000 ffffffff 88200840 140019b0 18b43d40
    114.077| FPSCR 82028000
    114.077| FPR[00] 3ff0000000000000 3ff0000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[08] bff0000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[12] 0000000000000000 4029f6e1edc18cae 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.077| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.078| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
    114.078| VPR[00] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[02] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[12] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[14] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[18] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[26] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.078| SRR0[0x10120e14] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00020e14]
    114.078| LR[0x1010f2c4] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000f2c4 Function Wait]
    114.078| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x176497c4] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000409c]
    114.078| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x182184d8]
    114.078| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x00010005] **Not Valid**
    114.079| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.079| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.079| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.079| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x110088f8] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x000088f8]
    114.079| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x112b030c] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x002b030c]
    114.079| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x11007694] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007694]
    114.079| StackFrame[ 9].LR[0x11008df4] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00008df4]
    114.079| StackFrame[10].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.079| StackFrame[11].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.079| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.079| SegList 0x05d7d4a2 GlobVec 0x14022c7c
    114.079| StackBase 0x062d0f89 StackSize 0x00000fa0
    114.079| TaskNum 0x00000000 Result2 0x00000000
    114.079| CurrentDir 0x05c99833 CIS 0x05d7d9ff
    114.079| COS 0x09846207 CES 0x00000000
    114.079| ConsoleTask 0x00000000 FileSystemTask 0x1405479c
    114.079| CLI 0x00000000 ReturnAddr 0x18b44dc0
    114.079| PktWait 0x00000000 WindowPtr 0x00000000
    114.079| HomeDir 0x0647d44f Flags 0x0000005a
    114.079| ExitCode 0x00000000 ExitData 0x00000000
    114.079| Arguments 0x00000000 ShellPrivate 0x00000000
    114.079| >>> End of Exception State Dump
    114.079| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.083| >>> Exception 7 <Program>
    114.083| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.083| Quark Thread TID 0000000010020010 Name ABox
    114.083| SRR0 0x00000000 SRR1 0x0208f030
    114.083| LR 0x182184d8 CTR 0x18218448
    114.083| CR 0x22200240 XER 0x00000000
    114.083| GPR[00] 182184d8 2c422400 00000000 00000001 00000000 00004e20 00000001 00000000
    114.083| GPR[08] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 1722423c 1821e588 191eeb60 00000000 11362614
    114.083| GPR[16] 00000000 00222222 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.083| GPR[24] 00ffffff 00000000 00000000 00004e20 176a0764 176a06dc 182c9800 00000001
    114.084| FPSCR 82028000
    114.084| FPR[00] 3ff0000000000000 3ff0000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[08] bff0000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[12] 0000000000000000 4029f6e1edc18cae 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.084| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
    114.084| VPR[00] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[02] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[12] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[14] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[18] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.084| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.085| VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.085| VPR[26] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.085| VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.085| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.085| IABR 00000000
    114.085| DABR 00000000
    114.085| MMCR0 00000000
    114.085| MMCR1 00000000
    114.085| MMCR2 00000000
    114.085| PMC1 00000000 PMC2 00000000 PMC3 00000000 PMC4 00000000
    114.085| SIA 00000000
    114.085| SDA 00000000
    114.085| >>> Quark Thread Stack History
    114.085| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.085| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x00010005] **Not Valid**
    114.085| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x110088f8] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x000088f8]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x112b030c] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x002b030c]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x11007694] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007694]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x11008df4] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00008df4]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.085| StackFrame[ 9].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.085| >>> ABox State
    114.085| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.085| ExecBase: SysBase 0x140019b0
    114.086| SysFlags 0x8000 AttnResched 0x0000 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    114.086| ThisTask 0x18b43d40 TaskReady 0x141253ac TaskWait 0x14011730
    114.086| ResModules 0x140041e0
    114.086| TaskTrapCode 0x10122108 TaskExceptCode 0x10122110 TaskExitCode 0x1012216c
    114.086| TaskSigAlloc 0xf1ff TaskTrapAlloc 0x8000
    114.086| IdleCount 33367 DispCount 366610
    114.086| Quantum 4 Elapsed 4
    114.086| VBlankFrequency 50 PowerSupplyFrequency 50 EClockFrequency 709379
    114.086| MainTID 0x10020010 SchedulerTID 0x10020012 SchedulerSig 0x80000000
    114.086| OldSRR0 0x0
    114.086| ConfigServerTID 0x10000013
    114.086| LastIntObject 0x1567cc2c
    114.086| LastIntObject 0x1567cc2c <Not Valid ptr>
    114.086| Code 0x157cc9a0 Data 0x1529002c
    114.086| Int0: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.086| Int1: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.086| Int2: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.086| Int3: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c38 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.086| Int4: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c58 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.086| Int5: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c48 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.086| Interrupt 0x1402def6 <graphics.library>
    114.086| Code 0x10195f68 Data 0x1402deac
    114.086| Interrupt 0x15435198 <ixemul timer interrupt>
    114.086| Code 0x154322e0 Data 0x00000000
    114.086| Int6: iv_Code 0x10195f70 iv_Data 0x1402deac iv_Node 0x1402df22
    114.086| Int7: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int8: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int9: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int10: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int11: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int12: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int13: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c68 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int14: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| Int15: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c78 iv_Node 0x00000000
    114.087| >>> Running Task
    114.087| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.087| Task 0x18b43d40 Name 0x18b44dc4 <SDL subtask> Type 13 Pri 0
    114.087| Flags 0x8 State 2 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    114.087| SigAlloc 0x8000f1ff SigWait 0x80000000 SigRecvd 0x00000000 SigExcept 0x00000000
    114.087| ExceptCode 0x10122110 ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10122108 TrapData 0x00000000
    114.087| Switch 0x00000000 Launch 0x00000000 UserData 0x00000000
    114.087| SPLower 0x18b43e24 SPUpper 0x18b44dc4 SPReg 0x18b44d5c
    114.087| MemList 0x1757c818 Entries 0x1
    114.087| Address 0x175f5288 Size 0x20
    114.087| MemList 0x2c3b03d0 Entries 0x1
    114.087| Address 0x18b43d40 Size 0x1090
    114.087| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.087| ETask 0x1722423c
    114.087| MemPool 0x1764d3e8 PPCLibData 0x00000000
    114.087| PPCSPLower 0x2c41acfc PPCSPUpper 0x2c422cf0
    114.087| PPCTrapMsgPort 0x00000000 PPCTrapMessage 0x17210fbc
    114.088| PPCRegFrame 0x2c422810
    114.088| Private[] 0x24c228dc 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
    114.088| EmulHandle 0x2c4226c0
    114.088| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.088| EmulHandle 0x2c4226c0 Type 0x00000004 Flags 0x00000001
    114.088| SuperHandle 0x10001000 Type 0x00000000 WaitMask 0x00000000 SyncMask 0x00000000
    114.088| USP 0x00000000 SSP 0x14003898 VBR 0x14003d78
    114.088| SFC 0x00000000 DFC 0x00000000 CACR 0xa0808000 TC 0x00000000
    114.088| ITT0 0x00000000 ITT1 0x00000000 DTT0 0x00000000 DTT1 0x00000000
    114.088| URP 0x00000000 SRP 0x00000000 BUSCR 0x00000000 PCR 0x04310501
    114.088| >>> Task Registers Frame
    114.088| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.088| SRR0 0x00000000 SRR1 0x0208f030
    114.088| LR 0x182184d8 CTR 0x18218448
    114.088| CR 0x22200240 XER 0x00000000
    114.088| GPR[00] 182184d8 2c422400 00000000 00000001 00000000 00004e20 00000001 00000000
    114.088| GPR[08] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 1722423c 1821e588 191eeb60 00000000 11362614
    114.088| GPR[16] 00000000 00222222 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.088| GPR[24] 00ffffff 00000000 00000000 00004e20 176a0764 176a06dc 182c9800 00000001
    114.088| FPSCR 82028000
    114.088| FPR[00] 3ff0000000000000 3ff0000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.088| FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.088| FPR[08] bff0000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.088| FPR[12] 0000000000000000 4029f6e1edc18cae 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.088| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.089| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.089| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.089| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.089| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
    114.089| VPR[00] 313134303837000800000001783000a0 0089b3ef000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b
    114.089| VPR[02] 0089b3ef1d1d1d1d0000000100000000 1c1c1c1c000000200000000100000000
    114.089| VPR[04] 1c1c1c1c0000002d00000000a95ff85e 1000d990000403cc00000000a95ff85e
    114.089| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000a0089c460 0089b3f843300000405c859017d2c55f
    114.089| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.089| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000001000d8d81f1f1f1f
    114.089| VPR[12] 1000d970ffffffff1000d9f00000000a 1000d9801000d9981e1e1e1e0000000a
    114.089| VPR[14] 1000d990000117001000d8f800000000 1000d9c00004050400000000a95ff85e
    114.089| VPR[16] 181818180000000043300000017c0f93 1000d9c0000000001e1e1e1e00000000
    114.089| VPR[18] 1000d9d000040570000000001000dad0 1000da50000415f00000000178300000
    114.089| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 30003000336337380000000000000000
    114.089| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 1135adcc000000000000000000000000
    114.089| VPR[24] 11359078000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b 1c1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b
    114.089| VPR[26] 1c1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1e1e1e1e1f1f1f1f 1000daf0000401f40000000000000000
    114.089| VPR[28] 0000000100ba40080000000a00007c33 11359a5700babc420000000000000000
    114.089| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.089| >>> Task Stack History
    114.089| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.090| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x00010005] **Not Valid**
    114.090| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x110088f8] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x000088f8]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x112b030c] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x002b030c]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x11007694] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007694]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x11008df4] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00008df4]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.090| StackFrame[ 9].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.090| Stack: 0x2c422400
    114.090| 0x2c4223e0[-0x20] 2c4223f0 1764965c 00000000 00004e20
    114.090| 0x2c4223f0[-0x10] 176a0764 176a06dc 182c9800 176a220c
    114.090| 0x2c422400[0x000] 2c422540 182184d8 00031104 176a220c
    114.090| 0x2c422410[0x010] 2c422430 17649550 00000000 00000000
    114.090| 0x1104176a -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0004176a]
    114.090| 0x17649550 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00003e28]
    114.090| >>> Full PPC mode: Last saved 68k context
    114.090| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.090| PC 191eeb60 SR 0000
    114.090| Dn[0] 80000000 00010001 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.090| An[0] 2c3b0b08 2c4223b0 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 140019b0 18b44dbc
    114.090| Stack: 0x18b44dbc
    114.090| 0x18b44d9c[-0x20] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.090| 0x18b44dac[-0x10] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.090| 0x18b44dbc[0x000] 11362610 00000fa0 53444c20 73756274
    114.091| 0x18b44dcc[0x010] 61736b00 18b43d38 00001090 1569f010
    114.091| 0x18b44ddc[0x020] 2c2bb3b0 0d0118b4 5e5c0804 ffffc000
    114.091| 0x18b44dec[0x030] f1ff4000 00000000 00000000 00001721
    114.091| 0x18b44dfc[0x040] 3cdc0000 00001012 21100000 00001012
    114.091| 0x18b44e0c[0x050] 210818b4 5de018b4 4ebc18b4 5e5c0000
    114.091| 0x18b44e1c[0x060] 00000000 00002bf8 72b00000 00001adc
    114.091| 0x18b44e2c[0x070] 10500000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.091| 0x11362610 -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00362610]
    114.091| 0x10122110 -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00022110]
    114.091| 0x10122108 -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00022108]
    114.091| 0x10500000 -> fatfs.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007180]
    114.091| >>> Last saved PPCThread State
    114.091| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.091| SRR0 0x182184b0 SRR1 0x0200f030
    114.091| LR 0x1821e588 CTR 0x18218448
    114.091| CR 0x22200240 XER 0x00000000
    114.091| GPR[00] 182184d8 2c422540 00000000 00000000 00000001 008a2c08 00000001 00000000
    114.091| GPR[08] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 1722423c 1821e588 191eeb60 00000000 11362614
    114.091| GPR[16] 00000000 00222222 002e2e2e 002f2f2f 002a2a2a 00232323 00272727 00262626
    114.091| GPR[24] 00ffffff 00000000 00000000 00004e20 176a0764 176a06dc 182c9800 00000001
    114.091| FPSCR 82028000
    114.091| FPR[00] 3ff0000000000000 3ff0000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.091| FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 bff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.091| FPR[08] bff0000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.092| FPR[12] 0000000000000000 4029f6e1edc18cae 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.092| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.092| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.092| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.092| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    114.092| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
    114.092| VPR[00] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[02] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[12] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[14] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[18] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[26] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.092| VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.093| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    114.093| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x110088f8] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x000088f8]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x112b030c] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x002b030c]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x11007694] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00007694]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x11008df4] -> Emulation [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00008df4]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.093| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.093| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.093| SegList 0x05d7d4a2 GlobVec 0x14022c7c
    114.093| StackBase 0x062d0f89 StackSize 0x00000fa0
    114.093| TaskNum 0x00000000 Result2 0x00000000
    114.093| CurrentDir 0x05c99833 CIS 0x05d7d9ff
    114.093| COS 0x09846207 CES 0x00000000
    114.093| ConsoleTask 0x00000000 FileSystemTask 0x1405479c
    114.093| CLI 0x00000000 ReturnAddr 0x18b44dc0
    114.093| PktWait 0x00000000 WindowPtr 0x00000000
    114.093| HomeDir 0x0647d44f Flags 0x0000005a
    114.093| ExitCode 0x00000000 ExitData 0x00000000
    114.093| Arguments 0x00000000 ShellPrivate 0x00000000
    114.093| >>> End of Exception State Dump
    114.093| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.137| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.137| 20:09:20 20-Dec-24
    114.137| 68k Exception 4 <Illegal Instruction>
    114.137| Task 0x18b44dd8 Name 0x18b45e5c <SDL subtask> Type 13 Pri 1
    114.137| Flags 0x8 State 4 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    114.137| SigAlloc 0xc000f1ff SigWait 0x00000010 SigRecvd 0x00000000 SigExcept 0x00000000
    114.137| ExceptCode 0x10122110 ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10122108 TrapData 0x00000000
    114.137| Switch 0x00000000 Launch 0x00000000 UserData 0x00000000
    114.137| SPLower 0x18b44ebc SPUpper 0x18b45e5c SPReg 0x18b45de4
    114.138| MemList 0x2bf872b0 Entries 0x1
    114.138| Address 0x1764d618 Size 0x20
    114.138| MemList 0x1adc1050 Entries 0x1
    114.138| Address 0x18b44dd8 Size 0x1090
    114.138| ETask 0x17213cdc
    114.138| MemPool 0x176a2b10 PPCLibData 0x00000000
    114.138| PPCSPLower 0x2c422d0c PPCSPUpper 0x2c42ad00
    114.138| PPCTrapMsgPort 0x00000000 PPCTrapMessage 0x175f5e3c
    114.138| PPCRegFrame 0x2c42a820
    114.138| Private[] 0x2c17580c 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x17214628
    114.138| EmulHandle 0x00000000
    114.138| Dn[0] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 102dced8 00000000 18b44dd8 00000000 00000000
    114.138| An[0] 2c175338 2c175338 140019b0 2c1753fa 00000028 2c42a520 140019b0 18b45e44
    114.138| PC 176a069c SR 0004
    114.138| Stack: 0x18b45e44
    114.138| A7[-32] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.138| A7[-16] 00000000 00000000 00000000 176a0690
    114.138| A7[000] 140019b0 14000030 140019b0 11362610
    114.138| A7[016] 11362610 00000fa0 53444c20 73756274
    114.138| A7[032] 61736b00 18b44dd0 00000e98 2c3b03f0
    114.138| A7[048] 17265ae8 00000e90 4d55494f 18b45ea0
    114.139| A7[064] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
    114.139| A7[080] 14f16b82 188ebf1c 14f10704 18b45fb4
    114.139| A7[096] 00000000 00000000 24c0e89c 00000000
    114.139| A7[112] 00000000 00000000 1764d3b8 17265b18
    114.139| 0x11362610 -> ABox: Emulation Hunk 0 Offset 0x362610
    114.139| 0x11362610 -> ABox: Emulation Hunk 0 Offset 0x362610
    114.139| EmulHandle 0x2c42a070 Type 0x00000004 Flags 0x00000002
    114.139| SuperHandle 0x10001000 Type 0x00000000
    114.139| USP 0x18b45e44 SSP 0x14003890 VBR 0x14003d78
    114.139| SFC 0x00000000 DFC 0x00000000 CACR 0xa0808000 TC 0x00000000
    114.139| ITT0 0x00000000 ITT1 0x00000000 DTT0 0x00000000 DTT1 0x00000000
    114.139| URP 0x00000000 SRP 0x00000000 BUSCR 0x00000000 PCR 0x04310501
    114.139| >>> DumpTaskState
    114.139| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.139| Task 0x18b44dd8 Name 0x18b45e5c <SDL subtask> Type 13 Pri 1
    114.139| Flags 0x8 State 4 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    114.139| SigAlloc 0xc000f1ff SigWait 0x00000010 SigRecvd 0x00000000 SigExcept 0x00000000
    114.139| ExceptCode 0x10122110 ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10122108 TrapData 0x00000000
    114.140| Switch 0x00000000 Launch 0x00000000 UserData 0x00000000
    114.140| SPLower 0x18b44ebc SPUpper 0x18b45e5c SPReg 0x18b45de4
    114.140| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.140| ETask 0x17213cdc
    114.140| MemPool 0x176a2b10 PPCLibData 0x00000000
    114.140| PPCSPLower 0x2c422d0c PPCSPUpper 0x2c42ad00
    114.140| PPCTrapMsgPort 0x00000000 PPCTrapMessage 0x175f5e3c
    114.140| PPCRegFrame 0x2c42a820
    114.140| Private[] 0x2c17580c 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x17214628
    114.140| EmulHandle 0x00000000
    114.140| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.140| EmulHandle 0x2c42a1b0 Type 0x00000004 Flags 0x00000001
    114.140| >>> Task Registers Frame
    114.140| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.140| SRR0 0x10120e14 SRR1 0x0200f030
    114.140| LR 0x1010f2c4 CTR 0x00000000
    114.140| CR 0x88200884 XER 0x00000000
    114.140| GPR[00] 00000000 2c429fa0 2c42a1b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    114.140| GPR[08] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10122108 00002004 11362614
    114.140| GPR[16] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 102dced8 00000000 18b44dd8 00000000 00000004
    114.140| GPR[24] ffffffff 14001b58 14001b54 00000000 ffffffff 88200844 140019b0 18b44dd8
    114.140| SRR0 -> exec_of_604e.elf Hunk 0 Offset 0x00020e14
    114.140| LR -> exec_of_604e.elf Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000f2c4
    114.140| >>> Task Stack History
    114.140| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.140| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x1010ec90] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000ec90]
    114.140| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1011a2b4] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0001a2b4]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1585549c] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/trance.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000494c]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x11007694]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x11008b74]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x1764b3d4] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00005cac]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x17649da8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004680]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x1820ffd0]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x18210868]
    114.141| StackFrame[ 9].LR[0x1820b3f8]
    114.141| StackFrame[10].LR[0x1821e588]
    114.141| StackFrame[11].LR[0x1821de00]
    114.141| StackFrame[12].LR[0x1764a2e8] -> MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004bc0]
    114.141| StackFrame[13].LR[0x110088f8]
    114.141| StackFrame[14].LR[0x112b030c]
    114.141| StackFrame[15].LR[0x11007694]
    114.141| StackFrame[16].LR[0x11008df4]
    114.141| StackFrame[17].LR[0x102ad478] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011878]
    114.141| StackFrame[18].LR[0x102ad664] -> dos.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00011a64]
    114.141| >>> Full PPC mode: Last 68k context
    114.141| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.141| PC 140011a8 SR 0004
    114.141| Dn[0] 00000010 00000000 140019b0 102dced8 00000000 18b44dd8 00000000 00000000
    114.141| An[0] 2c42a040 140dfeb0 140019b0 2c1753fa 00000028 2c42a520 140019b0 18b45e44
    114.141| Stack: 0x18b45e44
    114.141| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    114.141| SegList 0x05d93586 GlobVec 0x14022c7c
    114.141| StackBase 0x062d13af StackSize 0x00000fa0
    114.141| TaskNum 0x00000000 Result2 0x00000000
    114.142| CurrentDir 0x09308c13 CIS 0x0b05d5e3
    114.142| COS 0x0b05d5f3 CES 0x00000000
    114.142| ConsoleTask 0x00000000 FileSystemTask 0x1405479c
    114.142| CLI 0x00000000 ReturnAddr 0x18b45e58
    114.142| PktWait 0x00000000 WindowPtr 0x00000000
    114.142| HomeDir 0x09308c2d Flags 0x0000005a
    114.142| ExitCode 0x00000000 ExitData 0x00000000
    114.142| Arguments 0x00000000 ShellPrivate 0x00000000
    114.142| >>> End of DumpTaskState Dump
    114.142| ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Whereas Snoopium states:


    [1] [ramlib] [Open] [MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library.elf] [Read] [Fail]
    [2] [ramlib] [Open] [MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library.elf] [Read] [Fail]
    [3] [ramlib] [Load] [MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library.elf] [] [Fail]
    [4] [Gorky17] [Open] [NOIXPATHS] [Read] [Fail]
    [5] [Background CLI] [Open] [shellppc.prefs] [Read] [Fail]
    [6] [magicsystem.dll] [Open] [NOIXPATHS] [Read] [Fail]
    [7] [Gorky17] [Open] [SDL_NOJOYSTICKS] [Read] [Fail]
    [8] [Gorky17] [Open] [SDL_NOCDROM] [Read] [Fail]
    [9] [Gorky17] [Open] [SDL_VIDEODRIVER] [Read] [Fail]
    [10] [Gorky17] [Open] [USE_P96_FIX] [Read] [Fail]
    [11] [Gorky17] [Open] [SDL_DISABLE_LOCK_KEYS] [Read] [Fail]
    [12] [Gorky17] [Open] [SDL_AUDIODRIVER] [Read] [Fail]
    [13] [ahi.device Unit Process] [Open] [AHIemu10kxRecordBufferSize.1] [Read] [Fail]
    [14] [ahi.device Unit Process] [Open] [AHIemu10kxRecordBufferSize] [Read] [Fail]
    [15] [ahi.device Unit Process] [Open] [AHIemu10kxRecordBufferSize.1] [Read] [Fail]
    [16] [ahi.device Unit Process] [Open] [AHIemu10kxRecordBufferSize] [Read] [Fail]

    Also, I got the following hit which I was able to save (seems to me this is might indicate a deeper issue?):


    20-Dec-24 20:09:20
    68k Exception 4 <Illegal Instruction>
    Task 0x18B44DD8 <SDL subtask>
    Dn[0] 00000000 00000000 140019b0 102dced8 00000000 18b44dd8 00000000 00000000
    An[0] 2c175338 2c175338 140019b0 2c1753fa 00000028 2c42a520 140019b0 18b45e44
    PC 176a069c SR 0004
    68k StackTrace:
    [ 0] 0x11362610 -> <@ABox: Emulation> Hunk 0 Offset 0x362610
    [ 1] 0x11362610 -> <@ABox: Emulation> Hunk 0 Offset 0x362610
    PPC StackTrace:
    [ 0] 0x10116948 -> <@exec_of_604e.elf> Hunk 0 Offset 0x16948
    [ 1] 0x1010ee04 -> <@exec_of_604e.elf> Hunk 0 Offset 0xee04
    [ 2] 0x1010ed14 -> <@exec_of_604e.elf> Hunk 0 Offset 0xed14
    [ 3] 0x1011a294 -> <@exec_of_604e.elf> Hunk 0 Offset 0x1a294
    [ 4] 0x1585549c -> <@MOSSYS:LIBS/trance.library> Hunk 1 Offset 0x494c
    [ 5] 0x11007694 -> <@ABox: Emulation> Hunk 0 Offset 0x7694
    [ 6] 0x11008b74 -> <@ABox: Emulation> Hunk 0 Offset 0x8b74
    [ 7] 0x1764b3d4 -> <@MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library> Hunk 1 Offset 0x5cac
    [ 8] 0x17649da8 -> <@MOSSYS:LIBS/powerpc.library> Hunk 1 Offset 0x4680
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »20.12.24 - 17:16
    Profile Visit Website
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 39 from 2024/7/11
    Does this issue still appear ? I did not have it on any MOS boxes, only on "real WOS" (where I circumvented it by using a different video player).

    When exactly does it happen ?

    The core of the problem is a bug in SDL WarpOS (which I cannot fix as I am not the author of SDL WarpOS), a race condition basically.

    I had the race condition also triggering on QEmu when running WarpOS in Emulation under OS4, there I defeated it with a little hack which can be activated by setting


    Possible this hack might work on your system too ? It is still weird that this would trigger on MorphOS when on the three MorphOS systems where we tried it it didn't. The ones we tried where all Apple Hardware, if I remember right the version of MorphOS was 3.17 or 3.18 or something.

    Note the code finds out "is this MorphOS" by if the file sys:MorphOS/Ambient/Ambient exist, but I assume this should always exist on MorphOS? Also even if you disabled videos you might check if you have mplayer or amp2 installed in the local game directory (if amp2 then it is in the wrong path).

    Another option might be that some datafiles are corrupt (we had some cases of defect USB Sticks). In this case I could send a fresh installer archive against evidence of buying (copy of invoice of buying by email).

  • »11.01.25 - 18:44
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3146 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    FindResident("MorphOS") would be the correct way of determining whether your code is running on MorphOS. Your code fails on a dual-purpose PowerUP system partition for example.

    [ Edited by jacadcaps 12.01.2025 - 21:39 ]
  • »12.01.25 - 20:32
    Profile Visit Website
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2004/4/7

    MagicSN wrote:
    The core of the problem is a bug in SDL WarpOS (which I cannot fix as I am not the author of SDL WarpOS), a race condition basically.

    Is it this? https://github.com/Sakura-IT/libSDL_WarpOS/

    Why would you need to be the author to fix bugs?
  • »13.01.25 - 07:35
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 39 from 2024/7/11
    Well in case of OpenSource I do not need to be the author, but it probably will be easier for the author to do ;-)

    And yes, from what I know now the FindResident method would probably be the "cleaner way".

    No idea what a "dual-purpose PowerUP system partition" is (could this be the problem for the person who had the problem ?)
  • »13.01.25 - 10:50
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 350 from 2003/10/12
    From: 1 AU, EU, DE/HU

    MagicSN wrote:
    No idea what a "dual-purpose PowerUP system partition" is (could this be the problem for the person who had the problem ?)

    Most likely it's not the underlying issue in this case, but just for completeness - on a "PowerUP" system (read: classic PPC Amiga), it was possible to have a single system partition for both 68k AmigaOS and MorphOS. Which is why most of MorphOS is tucked away inside SYS:MorphOS (a.k.a. MOSSYS:). In this case, your code would always think it's running on MorphOS, even though it could run on AmigaOS, that was booted from a partition with the MorphOS directory structure in place.

    Also because MorphOS is a drop-in kernel replacement, it's possible to boot into 68k Workbench, or DirOpus 5.x, or other 68k desktop replacements on top of MorphOS kernel, and not use Ambient at all, even remove it, etc. So yeah. If you want to identify the underlying system, only the FindResident() method works reliably in case of MorphOS.

    And yes, such systems might be very rare, but they DO exist out there.
    [.Free Pascal Compiler MorphOS Port.]
    [.Hosting AmigaSpirit.hu.]
  • »14.01.25 - 01:50
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 39 from 2024/7/11
    Thanks a lot for the explanation.

    Okay, makes sense to for future games (and possibly a future update of this one) to exchange the code with which MorphOS was identified.
  • »14.01.25 - 10:43
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
    Just to be clear, the crash log above was valid on a wrongly installed version of the game due to some corrupted files on the usb stick. I came in private contact with Steffen and I received a correct wos version which doesn't crash and works fine (well, apart for some blue hue on the background after the "Port"). I will take a look on the log output, if it writes anything though on the new/correct version though and report back.
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »15.01.25 - 12:04
    Profile Visit Website
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 39 from 2024/7/11
    I understood the blue hue was caused by corrupted files as well ? Were you the one whom I sent the DAT.lha archive ?

    Note possible that some of the other files might have been corrupted as well. I could send a complete new archive.
  • »15.01.25 - 13:43