Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12241 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> if I understand it right 3D APIs on MorphOS
> are base on old non-shader-based APIs.
Yes, for now. The link I gave you to the news article "
Bounty for improved OpenGL support and new graphics card drivers" in turn links to the project website where can be read regarding TinyGL's planned shader support:
I suggest working more towards getting the most common functionality working correctly, and then adding extra functionality later if it turns out it's needed for an interesting application or game. Note that MorphOS already has some (quite partial) support for OpenGL shaders on R300 and R400 only. This would need to be extended to fully implement the OpenGL API, to support more of the OpenGL Shading Language and handle more complex shaders, and finally also to support R200 and R500 hardware."
...and from the ReadMe of the current TinyGL public beta:
The "Shader Test" example demonstrates the use of OpenGL vertex and fragment shaders to create effects that would not possible with the fixed function OpenGL pipeline. This example uses a vertex shader to animate the rendered object and a fragment shader to create custom lighting effects as well as conditional discarding of output fragments, creating the illusion that the rendered model is more detailed than it actually is.
"ShaderBoy" is an application that allows you to test and play around with shaders. It has several different presets and allows you to edit vertex and fragment shaders, with a live display of the result of those shaders. It also allows you to edit various OpenGL states including textures and lighting."
> if I should give recommendation to the makers of MorphOS
> it would be to add shader-based APIs
Seems they heard you before you told them so ;-)
> and even do some 68k drivers for them
> (to enable WarpOS programs to use them).
Wouldn't WarpOS programs on MorphOS be able to use PPC-native drivers?
>> Porting to TinyGL however may be possible somewhen in the future
> MorphOS native APIs are not an option for commercial game ports.
That's why I wrote "
in the future". "
Are" is present tense.
> does TinyGL offer support for Shaders ?
To answer this question was the purpose of said link in my previous comment.
> If yes what Shader language does it use ?
In the beta archive I see mention of GLSL v1.20. Also there were some comments on this by the authors 2 years ago:
https://morph.zone/modules/newbb_plus/viewtopic.php?forum=49&topic_id=13285&start=158 (#159, #165)
Better than GLSL v1.20 is unfortunately not possible with Radeon R500's OpenGL v2.1. R600/R700's OpenGL v3.3 would make GLSL v3.30 possible, and R800/R900's OpenGL v4.5 would make GLSL v4.50 possible.
>>> Wazp3D - Heretic2 läuft darauf etwa, aber recht lahm. Auch
>>> sieht es "nicht so gut aus" wie unter Warp3D (Unterschiede
>>> in der Implementierung, fehlende Features, vermute ich).
>> This sounds like using Wazp3D's software rendering. As I wrote,
>> Wazp3D can use TinyGL as hardware renderer on MorphOS.
> Again the question is what can TinyGL do ?
It can -- currently via Wazp3D's TinyGL hardware renderer (and maybe somewhen also via TinyRave) -- run Warp3D games like Heretic II on Radeon R300 or newer. Have you watched the video of it? Does it look "lahm" or "nicht so gut" to you?
> what if a game uses GLES ?
It won't run as long as MorphOS doesn't have a GLES implementation.
> What about WarpOS games ?
They do already run, don't they?