Thanks for the feedback. The "black screen" was before the first video happens ? As what the game does is immediately in it's main() function the first thing it does is launching the Video Player (it evaluates based on sys:MorphOS/Ambient/Ambient if this is a MorphOS or AmigaOS 3.x+WarpOS system, if it finds MorphOS it uses MPlayer as video player (a MorphOS-native version of MPlayer is included), if it does not find MorphOS it uses AMP2 (the AMP2 version had problems with MorphOS when switching between gamesound and moviesound, those problems did not appear on MPlayer, also I guess the native player might be better).
So if this would happen before the first video shows, it most likely is an issue of the video player ? Though I wonder as mplayer should be fine.
Note you can modify the way the video player is called using
For example setting it to
MPlayer -fs %s
(which would be kind of unneeded, as this is what it does anyways by default, but if there is some other player you want to use you could do that)
Video play can completely be disabled by creating
(content of the variable does not matter, only if it is present or not)
I think the AmigaGuide format of the readme was because of the installer (full version uses Commodore Installer) and at least for AmigaOS 3.x that you could display the readme after installation required this format (sure, installer could be rewritten to use a different text viewer - I will keep this in mind for future projects, thanks for the hint).
The demo has some restrictions into the exe, like no Saving, no Loading. So this would not work.
The difference is not just the datafiles.
Note also that the WarpOS version which is ported from 68k port uses some changed datafiles so it would not work with OS4 or PC version. And of course my interest is people buying the game

I only earn money on the 68k+WOS version. OS4 port was by someone else.
Best regards,