For sale PowerBook 1.5ghz 9700 ati 64mb
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 158 from 2019/4/6
    For sale PowerBook 1.5ghz 9700 ati 64mb

    80 gigabytes HD

    512 mb of ram

    power supply included

    battery to be replaced if necessary

    It works perfectly

    Clean keyboard without defects etc.

    Wifi - CD player - DVI-HDMI

    Gift DVI-HDMI cable perfectly compatible.

    Price 80 euros + shipping costs.

    For more information, photos, videos, etc. you can send me a PM.


    [ Edited by white 14.05.2022 - 08:47 ]
  • »14.05.22 - 07:35